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Ėk piṯā ekas ke ham bārik ṯū merā gur hā▫ī....
One Father, whose children we all are...
(Quote from the Guru Granth Sahib page 611)

100 operated on for cleft lip
nindi-THUMB.jpg According to Gurpratap Singh, putting the smile back on these children is the greatest reward and he feels blessed that God has gifted him with such a skill to bring happiness and joy into these childrens' life...... → read more
Guru Nanak's Free Kitchen comes to Eastside
kitchen-THUMB.jpg Dennis, a resident of the Downtown Eastside, sits on a chair towards the back of the room, his cane beside him. "The food is great and the people are friendly....I think it's important to get to know other cultures."..... → read more
Comments of British Generals regarding Sikh Soldiers
Sikh_soldiers-THUMB.jpg These comments by British Generals regarding the Sikhs soldiers and their turbans are important and, I hope, helpful for the two Sikhs who joined the USA army and are facing identity issues...... → read more
Ancient but deadly: the return of shastar vidiya
ShastarVidya-THUMB.jpg In a fluorescent-lit sports gymnasium at a sprawling sixth-form college in Hounslow, west London, three turbaned Sikh warriors are frantically battling each other with razor-sharp swords...... → read more
In Punjab, Crowding Onto The Cancer Train
train-THUMB.jpg Every night at about 9:30, Train No. 339 pulls into the shabby station in the northern Indian farm town of Bathinda, in Punjab state. Locals call this train by a chilling name — "the cancer train." It routinely carries at least 60 cancer patients who make the overnight....... → read more
“A SELFLESS LIFE to be released in USA
PuranSingh-THUMB.jpg New documentary reveals life of an unsung modern-day saint and his dedication to the living world. Bhagat Puran Singh was born in Punjab in 1904; motivated by his love of humanity, he established Pingalwara, an institution dedicated....... → read more
Panama Medical Scholarship opportunities for Sikhs
panama-THUMB.jpg Civic Society Guru Nanak Sahib, entrusted with the administration of the Gurdwara Guru Nanak Sahib has decided to grant a scholarship toward the tuition of any youngster of the Sikh community world wide who wishes to enroll in the English Medical degree program of PMMC in Panama...... → read more

Apunaa thakur kee ho chaeree
Apunay thakar kee ho charee.jpg Beautiful video of the shabad by Guru Nanak Dev on page 1197, in Raag Sarang - "I am the Lord's hand-maiden. Having grasped the Feet of the Master, the Life giver; my egotism is killed and eradicated". .....Watch, listen, read & enjoy...

Oulahno maa kahoo n dheo
Guru Arjan accepts Will.jpg In this Shabad on page 978, Guru Arjan who walked onto a hot plate accepting the Will of the Lord's Hukam says "Oulahno, Oulahno - Complaints, complaints I have none, Your Will appears sweet to my mind". Sang in Atamras kirtan style .....Listen, read & enjoy...

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Q. Can Sikhs have tattoos?
FAQ-sml.jpg A. I don't believe there is anything directly written against or in favour of tattoos in the Sikh scriptures. Tattoos can be grouped with "extreme make-up" which the Guru calls "decorations" and I ask you.. .....More