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Apune jī▫a janṯ parṯipāre. Ji▫o bārik māṯā sammāre....
He cherishes all His beings and creatures, as the mother cares for her children...
(Quote from the Guru Granth Sahib page 105)

Sun naha prabha jeeo ekhalaree baan maahay
Sun nah prabka jeeo.jpg Watch this beautiful video of this very touching shabad by Guru Nanak in Raag Gauri - "O Listen my beloved Husband: Alone, I am in the wilderness. How can I survive without You, O my Carefree Husband? ". .....Watch, listen, read & enjoy...

Sakhi about the "Two Hungry Mice"
One day, a man was walking along the dusty footpath deep in thought. Suddenly, he fell into a well!! It was quite a deep well but it had no water inside it. However, there was no way out of the well! The man thought to himself "How am I going to get myself out of here?"..... → read more

U.S. Sikhs condemn violence in Vienna
tv-THUMB.jpg Sikh leaders across USA have condemned the violence in Vienna, Austria, in which one person died and several others were injured. Dr. Rajwant Singh, Chairman of SCORE, said, "We condemn the violence..."..... → read more
Inspirational Bhangra
bhangra-THUMB.jpg Sikh women prefer Sikh men with kesh and dastaar. That is the message of the latest Punjabi music video by artist, Taranampreet. Donned in keskis and armed with guitars, Taranampreet and her group,..... → read more
Start Making Your Video Now
ff-notice.jpg This is a humorous SikhNet production encouraging youth to start now and make a video for the 2009 SikhNet Youth Online Film Festival. Prabhu Singh makes a terrible video the weekend before submission date and tries to show it to ........ → read more
The Boy With The Topknot
Topknot-THUMB.jpg I was absolutely delighted last year when I saw the shelves of a Central London bookshop dominated by a book whose jacket featured the photograph of a delicate-looking nine year old Sikh boy tensely staring out...... → read more
Sikh Awareness Day celebrated in Los Angeles, CA
SSAevent-THUMB.jpg Sikh Awareness Day was celebrated on May 19 to spread awareness about various aspects of Sikh religion among the students. "Sikhism isn't just a religion, it's a way of life. It teaches acceptance of diversity and equality..."..... → read more
Free Treatment: 100 operated on for cleft lip
nindi-THUMB.jpg According to Gurpratap Singh, putting the smile back on these children is the greatest reward and he feels blessed that God has gifted him with such a skill to bring happiness and joy into these childrens' life...... → read more

Oulahno maa kahoo n dheo
Guru Arjan accepts Will.jpg In this Shabad on page 978, Guru Arjan who walked onto a hot plate accepting the Will of the Lord's Hukam says "Oulahno, Oulahno - Complaints, complaints I have none, Your Will appears sweet to my mind". Sang in Atamras kirtan style .....Listen, read & enjoy...

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Q. Can Sikhs have tattoos?
FAQ-sml.jpg A. I don't believe there is anything directly written against or in favour of tattoos in the Sikh scriptures. Tattoos can be grouped with "extreme make-up" which the Guru calls "decorations" and I ask you.. .....More