User:Mutia/ROOT of WISDOM

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There no god but 'TRUTH', ONE.

Fear ONE....................................& Scare NONE.

Befriend foes,.............................even on the RUN.

Humans make HUMANITY, IDOL ie ONE.

'TRUTH' father'decends not on,... 'Earth Mother'.

'TRUTH god' is ONE in ONEself,..nothing further.

'TRUE IDEAs'grace us, ....nothing else to bother.

'TRUTH god'

was............. TRUE.

is.............. TRUE.

is now............ TRUE.

will for sure ever be TRUE

Walk up to 'TRUTH god'

Want to become IDOL of Lord TRUTH ?
...HOW ? Read On...>


Holy Book

Japji Sahib

Other Scholars

These are the Popular Banis of Sikhism

Mool Mantar | Japji | Jaap | Anand | Rehras | Benti Chaupai | Tav-Prasad Savaiye | Kirtan Sohila | Shabad Hazaray | Sukhmani | Salok Mahala 9 | Asa di Var | Ardas