Modern Sikh Girls

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These are words that were uttered by the founder of Sikhism, Sri Guru Nanak Dev in about 1499. So for Sikhs from that period, there has been compulsion to treat women as equals and gender discrimination was not allowed.

Misuse of Equality with men

Feeling Of equality, Makes their personalities like boys, Feature develops as boys have, Then go to beauty parlours(Waxing, Cleansing etc). Maximum american womens have hair on their body and they have to sit before butcher to kill their hairs. Not only americans now Sikhnis doing these all and call themselves sikh.

I have seen some gals not care about their clothes. Gurus gives equality but also wrote a baani caled Suchajee & Kuchajee. Read it

Killing Hair

"Kesh" one of the five kakkars of sikhism.In Sikhism to cut hair is considered a sin and by doing so ir called Patit Today girls dunno believe in artificial look. They want to give their own look by using dyes, Cutting hair etc etc and etc. Kanga is provided to set up the hair but in vein. Waxcing

Main article: Uncut Hairs
Main article: Human Hair


Today many Sikhs feel helpless to see the dressing sense of modern Sikh girls.The growing tendency among the girls to show body contours is a unhealthy step in our Sikh society.In Sikhism indecent dresses are not allowed.

Drugs and Intoxicants
