User:Abhai/My True Name

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My True Name

I am ....A Writer~~ and Bearer of Thy True Name ....Creative Gentleman Singh Nirvair GurKhalsa Dependable Independant

Title..................A Writer~~

Job Title .............Employed

First Name.............Gentleman

Middle Name............Singh

Last Name .............Nirvair

Suffix.................GurKhalsa Dependable Independent

My 5 BelovedOnes

Daya Singh Merciful, Dharam Singh Truthful, Himmt Singh Dare Devil, Mohkm Singh Commander and Sahib Singh King

Through the Grace of Gurbani I now commence writing....

My Profile

Born Khalsa, Stayed Khalis, am a Khalsa and I will, for ever remain A Khalsa.

My Plan to Realise My Frofile

Will Demonstrate Obedience of the Laws of Nature

1. Dwowning into the ocean of jumbled up thoughts leads us no where. Staying depressed, cacooned up and cut off from others is neither pragmatic not possible. Corrupt rulers have to be bribed for sustenance; keep bribing them? Will they ever feel satisfied and stop demanding more and more? Digest all the knowledge of the universe and become an inteltactual? Try it! Not even a single soul will stand by you. Then how to go about living a Truthful life? How to break through the might of these parasitic rulers and their ill cultured subjects who are no better than zoombies?

Will Shed Ego to Humility

2. Creations all around us follow laws of nature. These Laws cannot be explained in words, neither can they be taught in a class room. They have to be intutively obeyed and understood. Anyone trying to understand these laws with the aim of then putting them in practice will realise nothing but disappointment. We have to get dictated, Demonstrate Obediance to Understand them and no way it will ever work out the other way round. No one among those who understand it, will ever be seen as a High Headed Egostic Person.

Will Reach Out to Every One


Will Create a Team

4. ==

My Final Resolve

Not Air but Language of TRUE IDEAS, 'Gurbani' will be my life line.

'Lord TRUTH', My True Father, will always be with me rendering water redundant for me.

'Mother Earth' will rear 'Me, the Baby'.

Two Baby Sitters, Mr. Day and Madam Night who take turns to rear all children of ' Mother Earth', will accomodate me as well.

All the children playing the 'Good/Bad Deeds' game are under the watchful eyes of the all prevasive 'Lord TRUTH'.

It is the game of each individual player that is accounted for by tne refery. No player can play a fixed game favouring or disfavouring anyone.

Those, who through their life time studied the virtues of Lord TRUTH, committed to hard work and social service, are the ones who depart this word with radiant faces. They not only save their own self, Save whole lot of others as well