Template talk:PreviousFA

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Hukm rzae cllxa: baba nam 2an m.g2a

Obey Orders: Sahib Khalsa. Nanak Singh begs TRUTHs , thus begs Sahib Khalsa. Nanak

Khalsa je f3yh prvan knne je !!
  • 1. I am sure this template is in the process of coming up. Kindly permit me to be with it.
  • 2. Khalsa is up & kicking. Phase-I of this this 'Panth ka Mutia' with Sikhiwiki & Panth's first commandment of TRUThfully crafting Sikhi. thoughts, is now blending with the next one of acting on the crafted ideas for us to become TRUTHful in Thy Court. hukm is...

kcc pkae, o#y paEi. nank gEia , japyy jaEy. 'Fake Ones' / Idols Of Truth stand apart here. O Sahib Khalsa. Nanak Singh!! if you believed in Thy Name, you need to be seen Lord TRUTH walking towards Them.

vyKyy ha2ra hdUr. Lord TRUTH watches all from & upto far far away.

  • 3. I plan Standarardising the Ideas crafted by Sikh.s on SikhiWiki as per the set of templates Khalsa. has in its stock. Satgur willing I will be with the changes happening on daily basis with the tolrence of nr cah3 k$u aur aur ke aury BEe'
  • 4. Dass's aim is to get the mutia flock moving.
gur Khalsa gur f3yh!
--One 01:04, 15 September 2008 (UTC)