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Sayth Nanak

I have not practiced Yoga, or focused my consciousness on meditation.---SGGS Pg 329'

Now the issue to ponder over is Should we?, if we dare call ourself Sikhs.

Dear Gurujot Singh Khalsa Ji,


I am Amita Singh and new to Sikhiwiki.Permit me submit my bit as under :-

Nanak does not seem to be caring anything whatsoever for mystical/metaphysical, amounting to mythological practices of yoga prevelant at his time.These have now descended down in all sorts of comercial packages to today's mechanical & stressfull living.

You may consider making use of the above explicit & formal affirmation of Nanak as part of the article if it fits some where.

My perception may be lopsided . To me, SGGS teaches us only & only ONE TRUTH ie



Japo('Thy True name is TRUTH'.So we need to learn ,seek, believe-in and practice nothing but TRUTH & TRUTHFULL living)

TRUTH can only be realised by Listening to,pondering over, understanding, believing-in and finally living life as per Satgurs(TRUE IDEAS ie Gurbani), to realise & merge with TRUTH for eternity).


(Share NAAM ie TRUTH, TRUE IDEAS(SHABADS) & TRUTHFULL living with Humanity in the backdrop of TRUTH.)


(Introspect through the breaths we breathe.A Gursikh teaches no one but his own self by walkig over the path of SIKHI, as ordained by TRUTH & shown by TRUTH himself in SGGS).

The idea of learning/practicing/propogating/glamourisig/spritualising various brands of Yogas by Gursikhs, as highlighted by the article, to me is an issue best commented upon by scholars in the field of Gurbani Study. I am a lowly college level student young in age & immaure in thinking. Beg pardon from all those elders whome in my zeal of being a good User:Mutia, I might have inadvertantly offended.

Looking forward to guidance & comments from honourable Hari Singh ji, Navjot Singh ji & Sikhiwiki site specialists

-Nanak Ghar Ka gola Amita Singh, 13 Aug o5 11:00 PM (Indian Standard Time)

TRUTH's COMMANDMENT on YOGA... a SIKH is "YOUR ONLY & ONLY YOGA ( & postures there of) IS TRUTH & TRUE IDEAs (SatGurs ie 'Gur Ke Shabad') ) TO TRUTH"

Dear Gurujot Singh Khalsa Ji, WJKKWJKF !

Yours Truly Amita Singh again,

Beg your and other Singh Sahiban's Pardon for not being able to give english version of prof Sahib singh's Translation.

I Hope & plan to translate this in due course,if fail to get it on net or from other sources.It will be a favour for this User:Mutia if SikhiWiki/any Sikh could help/Guide this Nanak Ghar ka Gola.

Shabads from SGGS refered to & misqouated in suport of yoga & glorification of 3HO in the article is unfortunate,considered to be outright MANMAT & call for unconditional rejection by all. Detailed account of the issue, just for one shabad by Prof Sahib Singh, should leave no doubt with reference to status of Yoga in Sikhism.

Maan Yog Gurujot Singh Khalsa Ji !

let us Sikhs strive & resolve to rise

from Manmukhs......(self Willed.)

to-> Sikhs.........(Students of TRUE IDEAs ie 'Gur Ke Shabad')

to-> Gursikhs.......(Skilled Sikhs of TRUE IDEAs)

to->Gurmukhs........(Super Skilled Sikhs of TRUE IDEAs)

so as to able to Read,Write,Study,Analyse & Understand Sing/propogate/Desseminate (like User:Hari_singh Ji & other Sikhs do are doing )to share Shabad GURU with Humanity)

to->Saint.............(Visonory GURMUKH)

to-> Khalsa...........(Saint-Soldiers of TRUTH)

to-> ONE TRUTH ETERNAL(No Temporal Attributes)

to arrive at WGJKK WJKF !

May the fate of the article find it's due place.

Over to Prof Sahib Singh.....Pg 1106

 rwg mwrU bwxI jYdyau jIau kI... pMnw -- 1106

<> siqgur pRswid ]

 cMd sq ByidAw, nwd sq pUirAw, sUr sq KoVsw dqu kIAw ]

 Abl blu qoiVAw, Acl clu QipAw, AGVu GiVAw, qhw Aipau pIAw ]1]

 mn, Awid gux Awid vKwixAw ] qyrI duibDw idRsit sMmwinAw ]1] rhwau ]

 AriD kau AriDAw, sriD kau sriDAw, sll kau slil sMmwin AwieAw ]

 bdiq jYdyau jYdyv kau rMimAw, bRhmu inrbwxu ilvlIxu pwieAw ]2]1]

  pd ArQ 

:—cMd—cMd®mw nwVI, "som sr", K`bI nws dI nwVI [ sq—{Skt. søv , s`qÝ} pRwx [ ByidAw—ivMnH ilAw, cwVH ley (pRwx) [ nwd—suKmnw [ pUirAw—(pRwx) rok ley [ sUr—s`jI sur [ KoVsw—solW vwrI (EN AwK ky) [ dqu kIqw—(pRwx bwhr) k`Fy [ Abl blu—(ivkwrW ivc pYx krky) kmzor mn dw (ivSy ivkwrW qy duibDw idRStI vwlw) bl [ Acl—AmoV [ clu—cMcl suBwau [ Acl clu—AmoV mn dw suBwau [ QipAw—rok ilAw [ AGVu—A`lHV mn [ Aipau—AMimRq [1[ mn—hy mn ! Awid gux—Awid pRBU dy gux, jgq dy mUl pRBU dy gux [ Awid—Awidk [ duibDw id®sit—myr-qyr vwlI nzr, ivqkry vwlw suBwau [ sMmwinAw—p`Drw ho jWdw hY [1[rhwau[ AriD—ArwDx-jog pRBU [ sriD—srDw r`Kx jog [ sll—pwxI [ bdiq—AwKdw hY [ jYdyv—prmwqmw, auh dyv ijs dI sdw jY huMdI hY [ rMimAw—ismirAW [ inrbwxu—vwSnw rihq [ ilvlIxu—Awpxy Awp ivc msq pRBU [2[

 not :—{pMnw 992}

ies Sbd nwl rlw ky hyT-iliKAw Sbd gurU nwnk dyv jI dw pVHo [ ieh BI mwrU rwg ivc hI hY :—

mwrU mhlw 1 ] sUr sru sois lY, som sru poiK lY, jugiq kir mrqu, su snbMDu kIjY ]

 mIn kI cpl isau jugiq mnu rwKIAY, aufY nh hMsu, nh kMDu CIjY ]1]

 mUVy kwiecy Brim Bulw ] nh cIinAw prmwnµdu bYrwgI ]1] rhwau ]

 Ajr ghu jwir lY, Amr ghu mwir lY, BRwiq qij Coif, qau Aipau pIjY ]

 mIn kI cpl isau jugiq mnu rwKIAY, aufY nh hMsu, nh kMDu CIjY ]2]

 Bxiq nwnku jno, rvY jy hir mno, mn pvn isau AMimRqu pIjY ]

 mIn kI cpl isau jugiq mnu rwKIAY, aufY nh hMsu, nh kMDu CIjY ]3]9]

 dovyN Sbd mwrU rwg ivc hn; dohW dy CMd dI cwl ieko ijhI hY; keI l&z sWJy hn, ijvyN ‘sUr, cMd (som), Aipau’ [ "duibDw id®sit" dy twkry qy "mIn kI cpl isau mnu" hY [ jYdyv jI dy Sbd ivc is&iq-swlwh krn dy lwB d`sy hn, gurU nwnk dyv jI ny is&iq-swlwh krn dI ‘jugiq’ BI d`sI hY [ jYdyv jI mn ƒ sMboDn kr ky AwKdy hn ik jy qUM is&iq-swlwh kryN qW qyrI cMclqw dUr ho jwiegI, siqgurU jI jIv ƒ aupdyS krdy hn ik is&iq-swlwh dI ‘jugiq’ vriqAW mn dI cMclqw imt jWdI hY [

ijauN ijauN iehnW dohW SbdW ƒ ghu nwl rlw ky pVHIey, fUMGI sWJ id`sdI hY, qy, ies nqIjy auqy ApVnoN rih nhIN skIdw ik Awpxw ieh Sbd aucwrn vyly gurU nwnk dyv jI dy swhmxy Bgq jYdyv jI dw Sbd mOjUd sI [ ieh ieqnI fUMGI sWJ sbb nwl nhIN ho geI [

 gurU nwnk dyv jI pihlI audwsI ivc ihMdU qIrQW qy huMdy hoey bMgwl ivc BI A`pVy sn [ Bgq jYdyv jI bMgwl dy rihx vwly sn [ aus dI soBw (jo zrUr aus dys ivc iKlrI hoeI hovygI) sux ky aus dI sMqwn pwsoN jW Bgq jI dy SrDwlUAW pwsoN ieh Sbd ilAw hovygw [

 ArQ :—

hy mn ! jgq dy mUl-pRBU dI is&iq-swlwh kIiqAW qyrw ivqkry vwlw suBwau p`Drw ho igAw hY [1[rhwau[

 (is&iq-swlwh dI brkiq nwl hI) K`bI sur ivc pRwx cVH BI gey hn, suKmnw ivc Atkwey BI gey hn, qy s`jI sur rsqy solW vwrI ‘EN’ AwK ky (auqr) BI Awey hn (Bwv, pRwxwXwm dw swrw au~dm is&iq-swlwh ivc hI Aw igAw hY, is&iq-swlwh dy twkry qy pRwx cwVHn, itkwx Aqy auqwrn vwly swDn pRwxwXwm dI loV hI nhIN rih geI) [ (ies is&iq-swlwh dw sdkw) (ivkwrW ivc pYx krky) kmzor (hoey) mn dw (‘duibDw id®sit’ vwlw) bl tu`t igAw hY, AmoV mn dw cMcl suBwau ruk igAw hY, ieh AlHV mn hux sohxI GwVq vwlw ho igAw hY, ieQy A`pV ky ies ny nwm-AMimRq pI ilAw hY [1[

 jYdyau AwKdw hY—jy AwrwDx-jog pRBU dI AwrwDnw krIey, jy srDw-jog pRBU ivc isdk DwrIey, qW aus nwl iek-rUp ho jweIdw hY, ijvyN pwxI nwl pwxI [ jydYv-pRBU dw ismrn kIiqAW auh vwSnW-rihq by-prvwh pRBU iml pYNdw hY [2[1[

 not :—

Bgq-bwxI dw ivroDI vIr Bgq jYdyv jI bwry ieauN ilKdw hY—

"Bgq jYdyv jI bMgwl ielwky AMdr ipMf kyNdrI (prgnw bIrbwn) dy rihx vwly jnm dy knOjIey bRwhmx sn [ sMsik®q dy cMgy ivdvwn qy kvISr sn [ vYsy igRhsqI sn, jo supqnI smyq swDU ibrqI AMdr rhy [ Awp jI dI hoNd igAwrvIN bwrHvIN sdI ibk®mI dy ivckwr hoxI d`sI jWdI hY [ Awp AMqm dmW qIkr gMgw dy pujwrI rhy, Aqy p`ky bRwhmx sn [ jgn nwQ dy mMdr ivc iehnW dy rcy gMRQ "gIq goibMd" dy Bjn gwey jWdy hn [ "mOjUdw Cwpy dI bIV ivc Awp jI dy nwm pr kyvl do Sbd hn, iek mwrU rwg AMdr, dUsrw gUjrI rwg ivc; pr iehnW dohW SbdW dw is`DWq gurmiq nwl iblkul nhIN imldw, dovyN Sbd ivSƒ BgqI Aqy jog-A`iBAws ƒ idRVwauNdy hn ["

 ies qoN AgWh Bgq jI dw mwrU rwg vwlw aupr iliKAw Sbd dy ky swfw vIr ilKdw hY—

"aukqu Sbd hT-Xog krmW dw aupdyS hY [ iesy gUjrI rwg AMdr "prmwid purK mnopmM" vwly Sbd AMdr ivSƒ-BgqI dw aupdyS hY [ dovyN Sbd gurmiq-is`DWq dy auky ault hn [... gurbwxI ivKy Bgq jYdyv jI dy isDWqW dw zordwr KMfx imldw hY ["

swfy vIr ny hT-jog Awidk dw KMfx krn vwsqy iek do Sbd pRmwx vjoN BI id`qy hn [ AwE, hux ivcwr krIey [ swfw vIr Bgq-bwxI bwry sdw ieh p`K lYNdw hY ik

(1) Bgq-bwxI dw AwSw gurbwxI dy AwSy dy ault hY [ ies Sbd bwry BI iehI ikhw igAw hY ik ieh Sbd hT-jog idRVwauNdw hY qy gurmiq hT-jog dw KMfx krdI hY [

 (2) BgqW dy keI SbdW ivc siqgurU jI dy keI SbdW nwl sWJy l&z qy i^Awl ies vwsqy imldy hn ik BgqW dy pMjwb-vwsI SrDwlUAW ny BgqW dy SbdW dw pMjwbI ivc aulQw krn vyly ieh l&z gurbwxI ivcoN suqy hI pw ley sn [

 AsI jYdyv jI dy ies Sbd dy nwl iesy hI rwg ivcoN sRI gurU nwnk dyv jI dw BI iek Sbd pwTkW dy pyS kr cuky hW [

 iehnW dohW SbdW ivc keI l&z qy i^Awl sWJy hn; ijvyN ik—

jYdyv jI gurU nwnk dyv jI 1. cMd squ — som sru 2. sUr squ — sUr sru 3. clu — cpl 4. Aipau pIAw — Aipau pIjY 5. mn — mnu 6. duibDw id®sit — (rhwau dIAW qukW) — Brim Bulw 7. Acl clu QipAw — aufY nih hMsu 8. Awid gux Awid vKwixAw — rvY jy hir mno hux jy isr& iehnW ‘cMd, sUr, KoVsw’ Awidk l&zW qoN hI ieh imQ lYxw hY ik Bgq jI dw ieh Sbd hT-jog krmW dw aupdyS krdw hY, qW iehI i^Awl gurU nwnk swihb dy Sbd bwry BI imQxw peygw [

 rqw iPr iDAwn nwl pVHo, "sUr sur sois lY, som sru poiK lY, jugiq kir mrqu" [ siqgurU jI ny qW sw& l&z "mrqu" BI vrq id`qw hY, ijs dw ArQ hY ‘pRwx, hvw’, ijs qoN AM\wx mnu`K ‘pRwxwXwm’ dw Bwv k`F leygw [

pr inry iehnW l&zW dy Awsry jy koeI is`K ieh smJ ley ik ies Sbd ivc siqgurU nwnk dyv jI ny pRwxwXwm dI vifAweI kIqI hY, qW aus dI ieh BwrI Bu`l hovygI [

 swfy vIr ny Bgq jYdyv jI ƒ hT-jog dw aupdySk swbq krn leI Bgq jI dw isr& iehI Sbd pyS kIqw hY, ijs dy do cwr l&zW ƒ EprI ingwhy vyK ky AM\wx is`K tplw Kw sky [ jy auh vIr Bgq jI dw dUjw Sbd BI ghu nwl pVH lYNdw, qW Swied auh Awp BI ies tply qoN bc jWdw [

 hT-jog dw pRcwrk hox dy QW aus Sbd ivc jYdyv jI qp Aqy jog ƒ sw& l&zW ivc ivArQ AwKdy hn

 [ vyKo ilKdy hn :—

 "hir Bgq inj inhkyvlw, ird krmxw bcsw ] jogyn ikM, jgyn ikM, dwnyn ikM, qpsw ]4]

 Bwv :—

prmwqmw dy ipAwry Bgq mn bcn Aqy krm vloN pUrn qOr qy pivq® huMdy hn (Bwv, BgqW dw mn pivq®, bol pivq® Aqy kMm BI pivq® hMudy hn) [ auhnW ƒ jog nwl kIh vwsqw ? auhnW ƒ j`g nwl kIh pRXojn ? auhnW ƒ dwn Aqy qp nwl kIh ? (Bwv, Bgq jwxdy hn ik jog-swDn, j`g, dwn Aqy qp krn qoN koeI Awqmk lwB nhIN ho skdw, pRBU dI BgqI hI Asl krxI hY) [

 swfw vIr jYdyv jI dy do cwr l&zW qoN tplw Kw igAw hY [ jy swry Sbd dy ArQ ƒ ghu nwl smJx dI koSS krdw, qW ieh aukweI nwh l`gdI [

 pwTk s`jx ‘rhwau’ dI quk dy l&z ‘vKwixAw’ qoN SurU kr ky pihly ‘bMd’ dy l&z ‘ByidAw’ ‘pUrIAw’ Awidk qk A`pV ky ArQ krn—hy mn ! Awid (pRBU) dy gux Awid vKwixAW (Bwv, pRBU dI is&iq-swlwh kIiqAW) K`bI sur ivc pRwx BI gey hn,... s`jI sur rsqy solW vwrI ‘EN’ AwK ky auqr BI Awey hn (Bwv, pRwxwXwm dw swrw hI au~dm is&iq-swlwh ivc hI Aw igAw hY, ArQwq, pRwxwXwm dw au~dm ivArQ hY)

[ ieQy pwTkW dI shUlq vwsqy siqgurU nwnk dyv jI dy au~pr-ilKy Sbd dw ArQ dyxw BI zrUrI jwpdw hY [

sUr sru sois lY—sUrj (dI qpS) dy srovr ƒ sukw dyh, qmo-guxI suBwau ƒ sukw dyh, (sUrj dI nwVI ƒ sukw dyh, ieh hY s`jI sur dI rwhIN pRwx auqwrny) [ som sru poiK lY—cMd®mw dI (sIqlqw) dy srovr ƒ qkVw kr, SWq-suBwv, sIqlqw ƒ qkVw kr, (cMdRmw dI nwVI ƒ qkVw kr, ieh hY K`bI sur dI rwhIN pRwx cwVHny) [ jugiq kir mrqu—sohxI jIvn-jugiq ƒ pRwxW dw itkwauxw bxw (izMdgI ƒ sohxI jugiq ivc r`Kxw hI pRwxW ƒ suKmnw nwVI ivc itkwxw hY [ su snbMDu kIjY—swrw ieho ijhw hI myl imlwau [ mIn kI cpl isau jugiq mnu rwKIAY—ies jugiq nwl mIn dI cpl vwlw mn r`iKAw jw skdw hY, ies jugiq nwl m`CI dI cMclqw vwlw mn sWiBAw jw skdw hY [ aufY nh hMsu—mn (ivkwrW vl) dOVdw nhIN [ nh kMDu CIjY—srIr BI (ivkwrW ivc) Kicq nhIN huMdw [

Bgq jYdyv jI dy dUjy Sbd dw hvwlw dy ky swfw vIr AwKdw hY ik

aus Sbd ivc ivSƒ-BgqI dw aupdyS hY [ ieQy aus Sbd dw swrw ArQ dyx nwl qW lyK bhuq hI lMmw ho jwiegw; isr& ‘rhwau’ dI quk pyS kIqI jWdI hY, ikauNik iehI quk swry Sbd dw kyNdr hoieAw krdI hY

 [ jYdyv jI ilKdy hn :— "kyvl rwm nwm mnormM ] bid AMimRq qq mieAM ] n dnoiq jsmrxyn, jnm jrwiD mrx BieAM ]1]rhwau] Bwv :—(hy BweI !)

kyvl prmwqmw dw suMdr nwm ismr, jo AMimRq-BrpUr hY, jo AslIAq-rUp hY, Aqy ijs dy ismrn nwl jnm-mrn, buFypw, icMqw-i&kr Aqy mOq dw fr du`K nhIN dyNdw [

 pqw nhIN, swfy vIr ƒ ieQy iknHW l&zW ivc ivSƒ-BgqI id`s rhI hY

Dear Gurjot Singh Khalsaji

WJKK WJKF ! Nanak Ghar Ka Gola has been able to come upto this, walking his way on Path shown by Truth.I am slill on my way up with the aim of nothing but singing praises of TRUTH & TRUE IDEAs.

Guru Fateh ! PS: Gurjot Singh ji look foward to some place for the above contribution of this Raam's Mutia in the aricle. Mutia 20 Sep 05 08:30 pm Indian Standard Time

Literal Translation of Shabad on sggs pg 1106

</thead> <tfoot> </tfoot>
gur eng

rwgu mwrU

bwxI jYdyau jIau kI

Raag Maaroo, The

Word Of Jai Dayv Jee:

<> siqgur

pRswid ]

One Universal

Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

cMd sq ByidAw

nwd sq pUirAw sUr sq KoVsw dqu kIAw ]

The breath is drawn in through the left nostril; it is held in the central channel of the Sushmanaa, and exhaled through the right nostril, repeating the Lord's Name

sixteen times.

Abl blu

qoiVAw Acl clu QipAw AGVu GiVAw qhw Aipau pIAw ]1]

I am powerless; my power has been broken. My unstable mind has been stabliized, and my

unadorned soul has been adorned. I drink in the Ambrosial Nectar. ||1||

mn Awid gux

Awid vKwixAw ]

Within my mind, I

chant the Name of the Primal Lord God, the Source of virtue.

qyrI duibDw

idRsit sMmwinAw ]1] rhwau ]

My vision, that

You are I are separate, has melted away. ||1||Pause||

AriD kau

AriDAw sriD kau sriDAw sll kau slil sMmwin AwieAw ]

I worship the One who is worthy of being worshipped. I trust the One who is worthy of being

trusted. Like water merging in water, I merge in the Lord.

bdiq jYdyau

jYdyv kau rMimAw bRhmu inrbwxu ilv lIxu pwieAw ]2]1]

Says Jai Dayv, I meditate and contemplate the Luminous, Triumphant Lord. I am lovingly

absorbed in the Nirvaanaa of God. ||2||1||

Thematic Translation pg 1106 'Chand sat Bhediya....'

(Attempt of Crude English translation by Mutia)

Over to Prof Sahib Singh...(English) Pg 1106?

Mool Mantar

Let us Sikhs Seek..................ONE ETERNAL TRUTH

by treading only True Path of......TRUE IDEAs( ie Satgur ie Gur ke Shabad’)

Meanings Word/Phrase Wise

........Chand-(Yogic Expression)Name of Human Body’s left breathing Channel commencing at Left Nosrtil

........Sat-(Yogic expression/imagination)meaning Spirit/Quintesence/Awareness/Energy/


The Theme

Through the grace of persistent Ponderings over TRUTHs & intellectual discussions/Sharing of TRUTHs with other Sikhs spiritual energy came alive(went in) through my left nostril(taunting reference to ritulistic Yogic Posture & practice of sequentially deep breathing in from left nostril,holding the breath in lungs & then exhaling through right nostril.This process is expected to be repeated a rigidly specified No of times to aquire Health, Happiness & Holiness:Origin of ),& got trapped in Sushmana

English Translation to Prof Sahib Singh's SGGS Darpan ??????

Any SIKH friend ! WKWF

please Help with guidance/reference/link to/status of the English translation to Honorable Prof Sahib Singji's Work I am fan of )

Amita Singh 10.13 PM 05 Oct 05


"...founded by

Siri Singh Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogi Ji..."

Wish, "...Daas Tawan Ka Gobind Singh...", preceeding Gurus & Bhaktas were with us to appreciate the commendable & examplary work & service to Panth done by Honourable Siri Singh Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogi Ji. WJKK WJKF !

Amita Singh 2:54 PM 02 Oct 05 (Indian Standard Time )

"..Baba Siri Chand was a master yogi..."

...and Babaji was not considered worthy of being Nanak's successor..."

All sikhs who rever the spirit of SatGur will share with me that Nanak Speaks the unspoken (TRUTH).

Did'nt Nanak Sahib say (without saying) that Baba Siri Chand ji's intellect was misdirected"


Mutia 10:39 AM 02 Oct 05 (Indian Standard Time )

"..came to America to teach yoga.."


"I am here to create teachers, not students".

Lord TRUTH & IDOLs of Truth (KHALSA) are self Made says Mool Mantar

"There is no compulsion nor is there any contradiction in these...

...two practices".

Sikhism is not repeat NOT a petty 'practice' & no way a practice paralled to Yoga.

Gurmat says so In modren lingo..

"It is the game of Football, without a ball being there. A Sikh watches Humanity playing football".

"You asked ' what about the ball?' "

"yes! Sikh's head is always the ball."

"Wanna play" ?.

"Only rarest of the rare will say 'yes'. Makes sense! One does not come accross heards of Lions."

"You said 'wait it is Management level decision as to go in for Yoga or Football'"

"I have an easy solution to recommend, conduct a survey. Seek votes-- majority wins?"

"You said 'good Idea'"

"Wow ! Yoga wins with absolute majority leaving lion behind to play with himself Nay! TRUTH."


..If you desire to play this game of love with Me,then step onto My  
Path with 
your head in hand.......SGGS pg 1412-2 
..It is sharper than a two-edged sword, and very narrow.That is  
where my 
path 794-15
..First, accept death, and give up any hope of life...SGGS pg 1102-10


Nothing else exists in Sikhism,except for...

  • Sharing/GIFTING of...
  • TRUE IDEAs(Naam) to Humanity..
  • & living life INTROSPECTING & LEARNING(not teaching)

through every breath without wavering even an iota from one's way to TRUTH guided by nothing but TRUE IDEAs(ie SGGS).

It is not even like showing candle to Sun, if this Nanak Ghar ka Gola Mutia barks on Sikhism as under:-

'Thou created 'ONE HUMANITY' and ordained one humanity to learn & yern for nothing but 'ONE DHARAM' & 'ONE TRUTH' ie nothing but 'TRUTH'.

SIKHISM IS NOT XYZ ism/just one more religion/Sect.

It was,It is & it WILL be.

" is a tool and not the end to the means of

finding God...".

Tool, having no place What so ever in any of the truthfull Sikh Litrature/Tradition/History/Culture/artworks.Thanks for supplementing it & making up the big Soco-Religous void, which Gurus some how could not cater for us Sikhs.

User:Mutia| Amita Singh 6 :56 pm 11 Oct 05(IST) Delhi

  1. Stay awake & aware lest your house is ransaked....-SatGur


No One listens to TRUTH god's commandments any more . No one except for TRUTH 'god' & Guru Granth Sahib appear to be awake.


O TRUTH & SatGur ! This Mutia wishes you a very happy year ahead . I know you sure will reciprocate since you are the BEST . Do not Sleep Look after the Panth my friend !. Ok bye for now. I do not have to wish fateh to you. It is irrelevant when there is no one between you & me . User:Mutia 01 Jan 07

Save Sikhi from Sikhs

akhn jor chupy nhi jor....SatGurBani

  • Ways of TRUTH can not be compehended. This False IDEA draws sustenance from FALSEHOOD-----Mutia 09:20, 15 April 2007 (EDT)

"Controversial label is not warranted"(on this article)

--Hari Singh 21:45, 12 June 2007 (EDT)

I Agree!, instead what is warrented is 'Anti Sikhi' Lable & Sikhi standing TRUE to Shabad Guru.....

Sakat Sang na not align yourself with ManMukhs & their ways

"I do not believe that yoga is anti-Sikhi"

I agree!, it(3HO) is not anti-Sikhi but it is Anti Social....dead against Khalsa's only aim ....

.... aakee rhy na koy....let there be no anti social elements in Khalsa Raaj

"I do not believe that yoga is controversial"

  • But Guru brands it western Anti-Sikhi of the Raam-Raheem Brand.

"keep-fit, exercising, jogging, etc are not anti-Sikhi"

  • "..........Kundalini yoga. Tantric sex yoga. Pimp yoga. Prostitute yoga (“3-HOs”). Drug-dealer yoga. Gun yoga. Nuclear holocaust yoga.........."
--Baljeet Kaur 13 Jun 07

"The organisation is Sikh run"

  • comments
  • Stripping...
  • "..........Kundalini yoga. Tantric sex yoga. Pimp yoga. Prostitute yoga (“3-HOs”). Drug-dealer yoga. Gun yoga. Nuclear holocaust yoga.........."

As Sikhs be guided by the Guru

As Sikhs we only need spiritual guidance from our Guru. We don't need to listen to Nick Ross or 3HO or anyone else. We need to listen to our Guru. The Guru says:

The disease of your ego shall be eradicated. By Guru's Grace, practice Raja Yoga, the Yoga of meditation and success.

sggs page 211


Those who contemplate the Way are Yogis. They conquer the five thieves, and enshrine the True Lord in the heart.((1)(Pause)) Those who enshrine the True Lord deep within, realize the value of the Way of Yoga.(2)

sggs page 223


This is the Yoga of the Gurmukh: Through the Shabad, he understands his own soul, and he enshrines within his heart the One Lord.(17) Imbued with the Shabad, his mind becomes steady and stable; this is the most excellent action.(18) This true hermit does not enter into religious debates or hypocrisy; the Gurmukh contemplates the Shabad.(19) The Gurmukh practices Yoga - he is the true hermit; he practices abstinence and truth, and contemplates the Shabad.(20) One who dies in the Shabad and conquers his mind is the true hermit; he understands the Way of Yoga.(21)

sggs page 908

Where does the Guru condemn yoga and calls it wrong? How can yoga be Anti-Sikhi? I think that a lot of Sikhs are influenced by their own prejudices - this is the spin by certain "Sikhs" because they have not considered the teaching of the Guru carefully. Study the Guru and tell me where it say that yoga is bad - don't quote other mortals for they know not. If we are Gurmukh, then let us listen to the Guru and move in his direction.

I hope I am not wrong! Guru mahar kaaran - May the Guru bless me with better knowledge and understanding and pardon my mistakes and misunderstandings. Hari Singh 19:44, 13 June 2007 (EDT)

sb ty uttam gur shabad veechar.....

mitthat neevee nanka gun changiayan tatt.....'

bahuta nahin bolna....


1.- Please Permit me to initiate & gradally evolve a set of mutually agreeable protocols for this Gur Shabad Veechar on Sikhi to progress in a rational, objective & healthy Manner using least Number of words

Protocols for Gur Shabad Veechar

  • There must be an issue.
  • The issue must be defined in least No of Words
  • Inputs from Humanity (read GOD) encompassing those calling themselves Sikhs and all non-Sikhs approving this Path be invited for each individual contention being a TRUTH(read GOD) or otherwise
  • A list of relevant facts be evolved throuh all inputs.

??????..(SikhiWiki Managers....?????) ??????...( Other Users.....????) ..... ..... ?????(SikhiWiki Managers Besides Hari Singhji & other users are requested to help further please.........) Set of Facts(TRUTHS) thus will lead us to TRUTHs

First Issue: Is the article '3HO' Anti Sikhi  ?

Is yoga Anti Sikhi?

  • What is the definition of the term yoga in the context of it's appearing on SikhiWiki 'Nirmol GurMat Web Site'?

Is 3HO Sikh run?

Second Issue: Do the SatGurBani Shabads quoated above mean 'SatGurBani' approves yoga?

(....will work on the Shabads readers are requested to please wait)---Baljeet Kaur06:52 am Hydrabaad