User:Hari singh/Tests

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audio test

Playing a Sound/Video file:


{{listen |filename=WKWF.ogg |title=TITLE |description=DESCRIPTION }}

WKWF.ogg is an uploaded audio or video file
TITLE is a short name of the media file
DESCRIPTION is a longer narrative to explain the function of the media file


Previous extension method


WKWF.ogg is an uploaded audio or video file
180px is size of the display and 
noicon suppress the help option


For more help please see:



Goto my Wikipedia test page here

Also setup here: User:Hari singh/Tests/audio

Gurmukhi Transliteration Audio Gurbani Translation Grammar Comments
ਚਾਨਣ੝ s  chaanan File:Chaanan.ogg light
ਚਾਨਣ੝ s  chaanan . light
ਚਰਨ s  charan 180px|noicon feet - symbolizes devotion, humility
ਚਤ੝ਰ s  chatur clever, intelligent
ਛਾਰ s , ਛਾਰ੝ s  chhaar Template:Listen/core ashes, dust, dirt new word added


Testing Japji Sahib Interactive

Test 1

Mool Mantar
ik oNkaar
There is Only One God
Sat Naam
Truth is His Name
kartaa purakh nirbh-a-o nirvair akaal moorat
He is the Creator, Protector, Without Fear, No Enmity, The First Entity,
ajoonee saibhN gur parsaad. jap.
Without Incarnations, Self-perpetuating; With the Guru’s grace: Recite!
aad sach jugaad sach.
True in the beginning, True Through the Ages,
hai bhee sach naanak hosee bhee sach.
True even now and says Nanak will be True in the future

Article Page Creation Test:

1. Simple Test


2. More Data Test

Testing Testing

Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing

Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing

3. More Complex Test:

Maths with Dates

{{#expr: {{#switch: 07|1=365|2=396|3=59|4=90|5=120|6=151|7=181|8=212|9=243|10=273|11=304|12=334|badmonth}} +27 +( 365.25* (2024-(07<3)) -0.375 round 0) - ( 365.25* 2024- .25 -0.375 round 0) -(2024>=0)*

( (2024-(07<3)) /100 -0.495 round 0) 

-( (2024-1) /100 -0.495 round 0) -( (2024-(07<3)) /400 -0.49875 round 0) +( (2024-1) /400 -0.49875 round 0)) }}

gravesend gurdwara

Video display