Guru Nanak and Wali Qandhari -1

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Wali throws a rock at the Guru

After travelling through Arab and many other countries, the Guru reached a place called Hasan Abdal in Baisakh Samwat 1578 B.K. corresponding to 1521 A.D. in the summer season. It is about fifty kilometres from Rawalpindi in Pakistan to the west side of the mountains. It is hilly area. A few places there have natural fountains.. Guru ji with Mardana and a small party halted there at the foot of a hill. Under a shady cool tree, Guru Nanak and Bhai Mardana started reciting Kirtan as was their normal behaviour. Slowly, the local devotees began to gather around the Guru. Soon, a large crowd of people began regularly to gather around the Guru. He talked to them of God and the true path of the holy. He told them the greatness of God and His creations. More and more people began to gather around him every day.

On the top of the nearby hill, there lived a Muslim Priest. His name was Bawa Wali Qandhari. Wali Qandhari had established a celebrated dera (holy place) at this hill at Hasan Abdal, near a natural fountain. His house was near a spring of fresh water from where the water flowed down to the town and was used by the people for all their needs. There was no other source of fresh water nearby. He used this dera to assist people who followed his faith and to punish the "non-believers".

Wali Qandhari was an arrogant person. When he saw people gathering around Guru Nanak instead of his place, he became very angry. So, he stopped the spring water from flowing down to the town. The people became frustrated. How could they and their cattle live without water!

A group of them went to Bawa Wali Qandhari. They begged him to let the water flow down as before. But Bawa Wali Qandhari said angrily, "Go to your Guru, the one you visit everyday now and ask him for water." The people went to the Guru and told him the whole story. The Guru said, “Don't lose your heart. Trust in God. He will not let you die of thirst”. The Guru then said to Bhai Mardana, “Go and appeal to Bawa Wali Qandhari and request him to let the water flow down to the town.”

Bhai Mardana went to appeal to Wali Qandhari to release the water so that the village folk could quench their thirst and give water to the thirsty animals. But as soon as Bhai Mardana got to the top of the hill, Bawa Wali Qandhari began shouting angrily, “Go back to your Guru and ask him to give water to the people. I will not give you any water”

Guru ji asked Bhai Mardana to go again. Bhai Mardana very humbly approached Wali Qandhari and begged for water. He requested and begged him to release the water so that they could quench their thirst, Wali Qandhari again refused to give him any water and even had harsh words for him. Despite all of this, Mardana still very politely stuck to his demand. Wali again ironically remarked : Why don't you ask your Master whom you serve? Isn't he able to give you any?

Gurdwara Panja Sahib at the site of this incident

Bhai Mardana returned to the Guru and narrated what Bawa Wali Qandhari said to him. The Guru sent him once again. But again he came back with the same story. The frustration of the public grew each second. The Guru said, “Don't lose your heart. God is great and merciful. He can make springs flow from whereever He likes. Let us all pray to Him.” They all prayed. Then Guru Nanak Dev Ji lifted a stone. At once, a stream of cool, clean water began to flow from the place Guru lifted the stone.

At the same time, Bawa Wali Qanhari's spring dried up. He was red with anger and from the top of the hill he pushed a large rock towards the Guru. The rock came rolling down towards the Guru. Bawa Wali Qanhari thought that the rock would crush the Guru to death but the Guru quietly raised his hand and the rock stopped at the instant it touched the Guru’s hand. The Guru’s hand was imprinted on the rock. Bawa Wali Qundhari's pride was broken. He came down and fell at the Guru's feet. The Guru said to him, “Rise my friend. Live as lovers of God should live. Be kind to all.”

The rock with the imprint of the Guru's plam still exists. There is a beautiful Gurdwara at that place called the Panja Sahib. Panja means "hand print". Sardar Hari Singh Nalwa after conquering the Sindh province during the Sikh rule, got erected this huge building of Gurdwara and a Sarovar (pool) there and many visitors bathe here during the hot summer weather.