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Waheguruji Ka Khalsa Waheguruji Ki Fateh !!

I have gone through lot many blogs and read different ideas of different people and their way to discribe dhur ki baani is also different. I just wanna tell that when dhur ki baani was written by Guruji, there was only one meaning of it and not many. We always use to say "okay, is it so easy to understand gurbani", we have never thought that why guruji will make it difficult for us to understand ??

We hear in every day life, "Tussa Amrit Chakaya hai ?" , "Amrit Parchaar Karo!" ...

What we understand by these two sentences ?? Rather it should be "Khande di pahul chhaaki hai?", "Khande di Pahul Chhaako !"

As per Gurbani ----

"Nanak Amrit ek hai, duja amrit nahi. Nanak Amrit mane mahi, paiye gur parsadi."

When Guruji themself said that there is only one Amrit, then how can we say Amrit to Khande di Pahul. They are two diffenent things..

All I want to say is.. We need to read banis and not only read but to understand them..... They are really not difficult.... However, you will do that if the Almighty wants !!

Bhula Chooka di shamaa !!

Babe aage ik hi ardaas hai ki sab nu bani naal joode !

Please send me your comments, I would really love to see them !

Manmeet Singh ([email protected])

Waheguruji Ka Khalsa, Waheguruji Ki Fateh !

Welcome to SikhiWiki

Dear Manmeet Singh, WKWF

Thank you for your valuable comments on Khanda da Pahul and Amrit. I agree that Gurbani has only one true meaning but I have to say that most people cannot understand the meaning in an instant. I have to admit that over time I have found more in Gurbani as time has progressed. So my understanding is increasing with time and some points that I did not understand last month, I now understand. So Gurbani has a different emphasis on my life depending on which parts I have understood.

For example, I have only late in my life understood the concept and level of humility that is required in Sikhism - and I am still only a beginner in understanding this point from Bani - It will perhaps take me many months/years to have a more fuller and reasonable understanding of this concept.

I also feel that I will not be able to understanding all of Gurbani in this lifetime as there are vast concepts to understand and then there is the depth of these concepts.

For example:

Let us look at our attitude as Sikhs to other religions:

  • 1. It is not acceptable to say that "as a Sikh I accept other religions" - Maharaja says who are we to "accept" other religions - this shows ego and pride. We have to eliminate our ego.
  • 2. We can move on and say "I have respect for other religions", we still have not got to where our Gurus wants us to get to. By saying we show respect, we are holding out that our opinion matters and that we have a status which other should take into account. The ego has still not gone!
  • 3. The next stage could be that we would say “I hold all religions as equal to Sikhism”. It is still not enough. There is more to understand. Take deeper plunges into Gurbani. There is still a long way to go….
  • 4. The stage to get to in your mind is when you can say with conviction “I will sacrifice my life for other religions” … and more “I will allow my father to give his head for another religion willingly”. Are we there yet?? I don’t think so. To understand and incorporate the concepts of Gurbani in my case is taking time but I am thankful to enlightened Gursikhs for their help and assistance.

So you can see that each concept in Sikhism also has a depth which is not universally understood. So not only has Gurbani brought the world new concepts but has also introduced new and previously unknown levels of knowledge and realisation of understanding of these concepts!!

Sorry for such a long post on your discussion page – I hope you don’t mind.

Welcome again

Gurfateh, -- Hari Singh 15:20, 8 Oct 2005 (Central Daylight Time)