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MARTYRS an exciting new Docu-Feature Film
martyrs-thumb.jpg MARTYRS is the first international film on Sikh history. Screenings are happening now at various Gurdwaras in New York City and it has been very well received by audiences. This 85 minute docu-featuure depicts a brief introduction to Sikh history and all the Ten Gurus..... → read more
Vegetarian Consciousness and the Meditative Mind
buddha.jpg With further study this made sense to me. We have lived and evolved for hundreds of thousands of years eating primarily fruits, vegetables, and the occasional animal that we could catch. We are very well genetically adapted to eating these foods...... → read more
Happy? Positive outlook may be good for your heart
happiness-thumb.jpg Have a happy heart - Being upbeat and optimistic just may help protect you against heart disease. Scientists have long known that Type A personalities and people who are chronically angry, anxious or depressed have a higher risk of heart attacks...... → read more
What is Chardikala?
gur14h.jpg After the celebrations of Vaisakhi, it is well worthwhile to reflect on the meaning of Chardikala. Having heard translations like “soaring spirit” and “ever optimistic,” the one we’ve liked the best is, ‘Chardikala is when if you’ve just lost a leg and someone asks, “How are you?”, you say Chardikala!’..... → read more