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To beard or not to beard...
beard1.jpg Ever since I have gotten my beard when I was a teenager I was excited about it, it made me feel older, look older and was the beginning of ‘manhood’. Since it became longer I remember trying various products to tie it up, to make it look neat and tidy. Using pins, hairspray, mousse, or combinations of all of them I tried pretty much every product to see how it would work...... → read more
Sikhs integral part of Kashmiriyat: Omar
sikh-kashmir.jpg The Chief Minister said that the pluralistic ethos, cultural diversity, secular amity and brotherhood are the specialty of the State. “Kashmiriyat denotes tolerance, mutual amity, respect to each others faiths and equal opportunity to grow. It represents love, brotherhood and trust.” ..... → read more
The Many Facets of a Sikh Artist
shivdev-a1.jpg At every point in my life I have always chosen to challenge myself and take a different path in life. The way forward, if not certain, has always been a fascinating journey and it is with God’s grace that I have had the freedom to experience many different paths. Dr. Shivdev Singh, trained as a Pediatric surgeon, now a award winning artist..... → read more
Why Women Make Better Cops, Doctors and Leaders
pratibhapatil.jpg In his book, Abrams provides hundreds of studies and statistics to back up his claims that women best men in a lot of areas. Some -- like memory -- were already suspected, while others -- like driving -- were more surprising, considering the common view is to the contrary...... → read more