Siri Singh Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogi

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His real name is Harbahjan Singh Puri from India. His family went through the partition of India and were left poor by the upheaval and turmoil. He married Inderjit Kaur, who was from a wealthy clan. They have 3 children; all grown and living in America. In India, he worked as a custom officer for the Indian Boarder Patrol. Somehow, he lost his job, left his family and went to Amritsar, holy city of Sikhism. He claimed that he did nothing for four years but scrub the floors of the Golden Temple. He left India in 1968 for Canada. He had a work visa, but, admits himself that no one wanted him around, or would give him work. Somehow, he was given a ticket to Los Angeles, because his work permit had expired in Canada.

When Bhajan arrived in the United States in 1969, he began promoting himself as a yogi from India. Bhajan always talked about the day he landed in the LA airport...he calls it "the day I knew"...He always tells the story that the moment he saw all the riches (he called it "MAYA") in LA, known as the "City of Angles" that his destiny was great. He was destined to stay in America and promote himself as Yogi Bhajan.

He also claims that all of India was furious with him for claiming to be a "yogi" of Kundalini Yoga. He claimed that the Indians told him that this was "dangerous". He proclaimed that he was only in America fulfilling the prophecy of Sikhism that the-- "Sun shall also rise in the West". This is why he came to America; as a teacher.

He founded the "3HO Foundation" to organize his students into Kundalini Yoga teachers. (3HO stands for "Happy, Healthy, Holy Organization").

In 1971, Yogi Bhajan claimed that a Tibetan Lama by the name of Lo Lian was dead. According to Bhajan, Lo Lilan, was up to that point, the "Mahan Tantric" and "when he passed, he bestowed the One." Bhajan claimed he was now Lo Lilans successor. According to Yogi Bhajan’s claim, there is and can only be one Mahan Tantric on the planet at one time.

Yogi Bhajan told students to place this photo on an altar

During one of his lectures, Yogi Bhajan was asked, "Why can there only be one Mahan Tantric at a time?" He answered: "I asked this very question of my teacher and he said, ‘I’ll ask God after my death and reply back’. Why not two can be at the same time? Do you want two suns to rise every morning? No, it can not be. And it is right should be not. When you deal with the state of energy of purity, it comes..." (Winter Solstice, 1973)

In all of the 3HO public relations releases on Yogi Bhajan as the ‘Mahan Tantric’, they state: "White Tantric was a tradition passed on from teacher to student in a mystical and selective way. Interpreting this ‘tradition’, Yogi Bhajan decided to teach Tantric Yoga Courses to westerners as his way the experience of White Tantric yoga to anyone who wanted to commit to the discipline". (discipline defined as "control gained by obedience").

Neither The Mahan Tantric nor 3HO have ever given a course on "How to become a Tantric Yogi" or teach Tantric Yoga to others. So, how does anyone "commit to the discipline" if one does not know when or where the ancient knowledge is to be acquired or written--or who is "gaining by obedience" from the mystical practice with the Mahan Tantric? Yogi Bhajan claims to be the only one on the planet, the most advanced incarnate, the Master of "Tantric Energy" at this point in time--but does that make it so?