Dasam Dwaar

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ਤ੝ਰਿਕ੝ਟੀ ਛੂਟੈ ਦਸਵਾ ਦਰ੝ ਖੂਲ੝ਹ੝ਹੈ

In Gurmat, Dasam Dwar is tenth door situated in Subtle body(in heart). This Dasam Dwar is of Subtle body not of physical Body. Tirkuti is place where we listen, where we take breath where we see. This place is called Tirkuti which is present in Mind in brain

Yogics View

Yogis says that Dasam dwar is in head but Gurbani says that place is called Tirkuti. The Dasam Dwaar also Dasamadvara is the Tenth Door or Gate in addition to the physical body having nine openings (two eyes, ears, nostrils, mouth and the organs of procreation and excretion). It is at the top of the head, the Brahmarandhra that opens upon Kundalini awakening when we feel the Cool Breeze. It is open on all babies who are born with a soft spot called the anterior fontenal. Sikhs believe that there are 10 'gates' to the body; Some understand 'gates' as another word for 'chakras' or energy centres.however, gates are physical opening which are also understood as chand-suraj(sight), pavan (air), pani (water) signifying eyes, ears/nose and mouth (ref:Sri Guru Granth Sahib 974:9)The top most energy level is the called the tenth gate or dasam dwaar where Anhad Bani: The unstruck sound current of the Shabad vibrates.

Kundalini rising and flowing out of Dasam Dwar (Tenth Door) as Cool Breeze. The Tenth Gate is the home of the Supreme Divine Guru and it is possible to meet this Shakti!.gif

According to Sikhism the Tenth Gate can only be opened by the Guru's grace and is vital for Self-realization and enlightenment.

The energy channels of the Ida, Pingala and Shushmanaa:
These three dwell in one place.
This is the true place of confluence of the three sacred rivers:
This is where my mind takes its cleansing bath.
O Saints, the Immaculate Lord dwells there;
How rare are those who go to the Guru, and understand this.
The all-pervading immaculate Lord is there.
What is the insignia of the Divine Lord's dwelling?
The unstruck sound current of the Shabad vibrates there.
There is no moon or sun, no air or water there.
The Gurmukh becomes aware, and knows the Teachings.
Spiritual wisdom wells up, and evil-mindedness departs;
The nucleus of the mind sky is drenched with Ambrosial Nectar.
One who knows the secret of this device, meets the Supreme Divine Guru.
The Tenth Gate is the home of the inaccessible, infinite Supreme Lord.
Above the store is a niche, and within this niche is the commodity.
Raam Kalee, The Word of Baynee Jee, Adi Granth, p. 974.