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The last moment before death...
Shaheed Singhs taking soul-sml.jpg
Then Bhai Surjit Singh did keertan and veechar which was its usual high standard. In this veechar Bhai Sahib mentioned about the grandmother of Bhenji Rajinder Kaur passing away only days before. At her final moment, Bibi ji was doing simran, then she did some loud Jaikaare, then she said "Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Ji Kee Fateh!!" before breathing her last...... → read more
Vege diet for athletes?
haripurkh-thumb_0.jpg So what do you eat? Being a vegetarian and a competitive athlete, I’m asked this question the most around Thanksgiving In the U.S. it’s difficult for some to imagine “Turkey Day,” without the turkey. I also used to frequently field this question as a college athlete, when I ran cross country and track...... → read more
The Spiritual Journey ~ on the physical plane
baolisahib84steps.jpg So now we went to Baoli Sahib at 9:00 PM and after inquiring about the rehat of doing the Paath from a sewadar, took our laminated copies of Japji Sahib Ji we went to the bottom, took a dip in the Baoli and started the paath in a high tone and sehajta, standing on the first pauri which was below the water. The feeling was so good,..... → read more
Annual Samuhik Vivaha Samagam in Hyderabad
15_style_23_2.jpg With blessings of the Almighty, it was a dream come true for 22 Sikh couples who got married in a befitting manner without spending a penny that too in the presence of over 25,000 Sikhs who came from far off places to bless the newly wed couples...... → read more