Anti-Sikh riots in Bidar

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Anti-Sikh riots in Bidar link:

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In an in depth article availiable at one can see how greed and envy lead to the violent deaths of 6 Sikhs, scores of other Sikhs (students and non-students) injured and the destruction of Sikh property, conservatively estimated to be Rs 50 Lakhs.

The excellent, in depth article at was written by Ranjiv Nayar and Vrijendra and has been copyrighted / © 1988 Economic and Political Weekly / October 29, 1988


The riots were politically inspired and were basically rooted in the rivalry between two trusts over a proposed medical college in Bidar. The police and the administration failed to discharge their duty during the three days of active rioting.

Jstor shows only the first page of the story. One must have access to a library that uses Jstor's services or the report may, I believe, may be purchased.