Talk:Dating and Dancing – A Sikh Perspective

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This seems very backwards and gives no room the intelligence of people, children, who have been brought up with some morals by their parents and religion.

The Italians used to accompany any girl out dating. The Irish had professional chaperones. Date rape and dating are separate things.

Here in America even a husband can be charged with rape - no means no. For any religion or religious person to not teach their children properly is shameful.

This kind of thinking reminds me of the religions that keep women and men apart even in the houses of worship. And reminds me of the stories where the males of a girl's family rape her because she wanted a divorce from an abusive husband and thinks all women should be covered and beat them even for showing an ankle.

Teach your children well. And how about the father who last month killed his two daughters because they wanted to date and then fled to Pakistan. Is that really the kind of world you want to see?

Filth is in the mind of the beholder. Every body who dates doesn't have sex. Duh.

Here in India

Mostly person who have boyfriend or girlfriend relationship are teenagers and adults, who lives on their parents money. They do aish on their parents money. they purchase gifts for their girlfriends from parent's money. and the amazing thing is parents do not know these kind of relations of child with some external. So Child becomes a liar speak lie before parents, while talking on phone with GF, moving out to meet GF etc.

My friend was having such relationship, but lord was also with him, because he knew his relation would end on sex. and he did'nt do with that girl so she felt anger and left him, for somebuddy else. and My friend already knew that she is not serious. He was in relationship because he want to improve her but she was a few minute generated tornadoe. So after watching all this, i do not feel to keep any kind of relationship with any girl, because i know the future is like a growing plant, never knew which branch goes which way. So all Dating is such a bu**s*it. Nothing else. Daters are the guys with unstable mind, and mind become stable after the fantabulous results.

Ya everybuddy dates dont do sex, this is sure i have some friends who are in same. BUt they want to do that but scare of saying to her. (Lucky 19:45, 10 October 2008 (UTC))

Its like the Hindu mother warns her daughter not to go out after dark as all men turn into dogs forgot movies name about the Muslims expelling the Hindus from kashmir ````