Guru Shabad Ratanakar Mahan Kosh

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Gur Shabad Ratanakar Mahankosh by Kahan Singh Nabha, popularly known as Mahan Kosh is a not only the first dictionary of Sikh Scriptures and books on Sikh Religion , Sikh related persons, villages,.. on western concept of lexis but also a classical reference book of Sikh History, Philosophy and contemporary Sikh States. Even a century after its compilation, it still remains a unique reference document. The 1974 edition has 1248 pages.

Some Facts Of The Book:
According to Bhai Kahan Singh Nabha (Gur Shabad Ratnakar Mahan Kosh, Page 441) Ghar has two meanings: a Tala or a kind of Tal, Swar and kinds of Murchanna.

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