Sikh Bloggers

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Here is a list of Sikhs who have a started Sikh related Blogs. If you have created a blog or know of someone else who has, feel free to add to the list. In order to help the blog stand out we recommend that you write a sentence or two giving SikhiWiki users a feel for the theme or content that the blog might contain.

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Featured Blogs

It started as a way for me to share my personal life with family and close friends. It has since grown into a place for me to share thoughts, ideas, inspirations, and just have fun. It is a medley of fun and serious things. I miss the personal connection that I use to have when SikhNet was smaller and less formal, so for me this is a place to be able to just speak out share with others on a personal level and not as "SikhNet". It's kind of ironic...but guessed it...the website is (People can't remember the spelling of my name so some friends suggested this, since this is what they jokingly call me, "Mr SikhNet"). I normally update the site every day with something new, so it is always changing.

"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give."

A look at my life as a friend, brother, son, technopreneur, philanthropist, motivational speaker, artist, athlete, writer, and a Sikh.

You can also visit by Clicking here.

I am traveling across America, making a film about religion, fear, and violence since 9/11. I am a third-generation Sikh American. I study religion and ethics at Harvard. I wish to face the violence and fight it. I don't want to fight alone. And so I write. These are my notes...

In the aftermath of 9/11, Valarie Kaur journied across America with a camera and captured the stories of Sikh, Muslim, and Arab Americans. Stories of fear and unspeakable loss. But also resilience and hope. Now four years later, she crosses the country again, this time with a film crew, to discover how much has changed, or stayed the same. Join the making of the documentary film "Divided We Fall: Americans in the Aftermath".

Two Sikhs, Valarie Kaur and Dawinder S. Sidhu, are directing this new research initiative to study the mistreatment of minority communities during times of national crisis and military action

Mr. Sidhu noted, "DNSI will present an honest picture of the condition of the communities affected by the post-9/11 backlash, particularly Sikhs, by compiling objective information on existing incidents and more importantly by performing original research on the consequences of this backlash, as told by members of the targeted communities themselves."

Listed in Alphabetical order

A to F

G to I

J to P

Q to S

T to Z

  • Tavleen Kaur "jio(n) raakhai mehtaaree baarik kao, taisay hee prabh paal"
  • Vicky Singh THe blogging - Inane, Rambling, Rarely Updated, produced by Average S1ngh ;)
  • xSHANTIx please feel free to read or comment on my blog about western aspiring Gursikh thankies xx

  • Do you know of any other blogs by Sikhs? Feel free to add to this list.