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Message of Guru Granth Sahib

An old Guru Granth Sahib Bir restored by The Sikh Education Council (UK) http://www.thesikhway.com/

On September 1, the Sikhs will celebrate 401 years of the first installation of their holy scriptures called the Sri Guru Granth Sahib. The Sri Guru Granth Sahib was compiled and installed at Harimandir Sahib in Amritsar in 1604. The holy book contains hymns written by saints and scholars of different religions. The SGGS contains message for the whole of humanity.

The Guru Granth Sahib provides unique and unequalled guidance and advice for the whole of the human race. It is the torch that will lead humanity out of Kaljug, (the dark era) to life in peace, tranquillity and spiritual enlightenment for all the nations of the World.

"Guru Granth Sahib transcends creed and caste, cant and convention. It does not belong to the Sikhs alone. It consecrates the sayings of 11 Hindu bhakats and as many bard poets and seven Muslims, along with the teachings of six Sikh gurus. No other religion has included in its holy book the sayings of others, however revered." Quotation from www.deccanherald.com

The Dalai Lama said,"We bow to this great Granth....it had been spreading the message of peace and love all over the world." ....Continued