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Dr. Gurnam Singh: Dean of Gurmat Sangeet
GurmatSangeet-thmnl.jpg On May 6, 2006, the Darbar Sahib reverberated with the sounds of stringed instruments for the first time in living memory. Dr. Gurnam Singh and a jatha of his students brought back the traditional Gurbani sounds. Five years down the line, Gurmat Sangeet strains now run across the state (and outside it)...... → read more
Spiritual storytelling: relating to stories of our Gurus
PHK-brown-half2-sqr.jpg Not too long ago I was invited to give a short talk about Vaisakhi at a Gurdwara in Birmingham. As I began planning how I would approach the talk, I thought a bit more about the spiritual function of sakhia (stories of the Gurus) in general. It became obvious that exploring Vaisakhi, or indeed any sakhi, from a historical angle..... → read more
SikhPark Creator Inspires Budapest Bank Ad Campaign
Dalbir singh.jpg The Budapest Bank, established in Hungary two decades ago, is one of the country's leading commercial financing institutions. It has chosen a Sardar from Britain - "Dalbir Singh" - as its host and public face in its nation-wide advertisement and marketing campaign. The concept - of the handsome young Sardar..... → read more