Swami Ram Tirath Dandi Sanyasi

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Swami Ram Tirath Dandi Sanyasi was born in Brahmin family of Tohra village in Patiala. He was a Hindu Theologian, Sanskrit Scholar and Author (Supreme Scriptures, Sri Guru Granth Sahib and Paramount Religion, Khalsa Panth.



RAM TIRATH, SVAMI (1897-1977), also known as Dandi Sannyasi (different from Rama Tirtha, Swami), was a recluse who after a prolonged spiritual quest turned to the GURU GRANTH Sahib. Born on 31 August 1897 to Pundit Balak Ram and Hari Devi, a Gaur Brahman family of the village of Tohra, in the then princely state of Nabha, he received the name of Ram Pratap but was rechristened Svami Ram Tirath by Svami Narayan Tirath, an ex-Principal of Queens College at Calcutta, who initiated him into sannydsm 1937. For his early education. Ram Tirath was apprenticed to a Pandit in Nabha from where he moved to PATIALA to study Sanskrit grammar with Pandit Ram Basant Singh, his cousin and a famous Nirmala scholar, who later took him to the Nirmala Akhara at Nankana Sahib, the birthplace of Guru Nanak, and taught him the Sikh texts. When he came of age, he joined the Patiala state army (Risala No. 2) and served for three years.

He then quit the army and traveled extensively, consorting with saints and sadhus. It was during this odyssey that he met Swami Narayan Tirath at Haridwar. During the following four years he traveledough Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan, and it was during this tour that he met a Dandi Sannyasi at Viat Visvesvar Ashram `Aligarh, who taught him Upanisads and Vedant Shastras. In 1941, he moved into Sonia Temple, at LUDHIANA. Now began the most productive period of his life during which he wrote eighteen books and tracts in Sanskrit, Hindi and Punjabi. In Punjabi were his Sarvotam Granth Adi Sri Guru Granth Sahib and Sarvotam Dharma Khalsd PANTH the former on Sikh Scripture declaring it to be the supreme religious text and the latter on the Sikhs, followers of this Scripture whom he describes as the very salt of the earth. Swami Ram Tirath died at Haridvar on 12 May 1977.

Excellence of Sikhism, Sarup S. Alag

Swami Ram Tirath was a very famous scholar on Hindu culture and religion. He once studied the Sikh scriptures and was so inspired that he himself became a Sikh. He wrote a book entitled, "Sarvotam Dharam Granth - Siri Guru Granth Sahib te Sarvotam Dharam - Khalsa Panth", meaning the best scripture is Guru Granth Sahib ji and the best religion is the Khalsa Panth. Later in life he got baptised into the Sikh faith.


Embracing Khalsa lifestyle in later age

" After having studied the scriptures, in many respects I have discarded the Vedas, Shastras, Smiritis, all Sutras, Tantras and Puranas, knowing them to be polluted and corrupted by many impurities. I have found that only the Holy Guru Granth Sahib is completely free of contamination and knowing it to be benevolent for the whole humanity, I have accepted this scripture and I accept myself to be the Sikh of Guru Nanak Dev, therefore i am a Sikh of the Guru."

Notable writings of Swami Ram Tirath

  • Supreme Scriptures, Sri Guru Granth Sahib
  • Paramount Religion, Khalsa Panth

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