Guru Nanak In Iraq

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In Iraq, it is said that "Even today there are several disciples of Guru Nanak in Iraq. These people live on the banks of the Tigris river, partiuclarly in the cities of Al Kut and Baghdad. They are called Sobi and generally they are gold-smiths by occupation. They are experts in their trade. They keep long hair and do not cut their beards and remember the Guru by names of Baba Nanak or Baba Nana." Kirkuk
Al Basrah
[[Guru Nanak in Baghdad]|Baghdad]
In Karkh, even a tomb for the founder of the religion of Sikhism, Guru Nanak, could be found where the following inscription is engraved: Guru Nanak headed for Baghdad as a traveler, and there he took a house for himself at its gates." On the 23rd of November, 1969, his followers celebrated his 500th birthday by erecting a memorial statue at his tomb.

Karkh or Al-Karkh is historically the name of the western half of Baghdad, Iraq, or alternatively, the western shore of the river Tigris as it ran through Baghdad. The eastern shore is known as Al-Rasafa.[1] Today, it is also a neighborhood between the international zone and the Tigris. Karkh is one of nine administrative districts in Baghdad.


Guru Nanak & Karkh