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Jin har sevi▫ā ṯin sukẖ pā▫i▫ā....
Those who serve You find peace...
(Quote from the Guru Granth Sahib page 11)

Darshan dekh jeeva guru tara
Bhai Harjinder Singh sml.jpg Watch this video of this very beautiful shabad by Guru Arjan in Raag Suhi - "I live by gazing upon the blessed vision of you, my Guru. Now, my karma is in perfect state, O my God.". .....Watch, listen, read & enjoy...

Satnam sri waheguru
JagjitSingh.jpg This is soothing simran of the Shabad / Mantra Satnam Sri Waheguru by the famour folk singer Jagjit Singh Satnam sri waheguru, satnam sri waheguru ..... Only Your Name alone, Lord, is my support; Only your Name is my salvation ..... .....Listen, read & enjoy...

Bir survives suspicious fire at Khalsa school
fire-thumb.jpg "He does his miracles. That's the Guru's power. It's totally hard to believe the Bir survived. That building was on fire; there were huge flames coming from it....but the Bir is totally intact. It's a miracle nothing happened to it..." said Chawla...... → read more
Update on the Children's Run Across Canada
run-THUMB.jpg The Sikh youth group started their journey Canada Day in St. John’s, Nfld. and have continued as far as central Ontario, raising money for children’s hospitals in each of the 10 provinces they jog through, as well as a hospital in Liberia, Africa...... → read more
"Shoegate" Hero Singh Finally Speaks Out
jarnail-thumb.jpg When I hurled a shoe on India's Home Minister P. Chidambram at a press conference in New Delhi on April 7, 2009 in protest against the Sikh massacre of 1984, I had no doubt that some kind of action would be taken against me...... → read more
2009 Sidak Leadership Camp Hosts Young Sikhs
Sidak-THUMB.jpg Evening Divan was my favorite – sitting in the midst of the sangat, reciting Rehraas Sahib with my eyes closed. For a moment, I took a deep breath and listened. The sound of synchronized voices has an immense power – something I still cannot explain in words...... → read more
Sikhs from India at the North Pole
NP-THUMB.jpg On 15th July at 11:57 pm three Sikhs reached the North Pole aboard the Russian nuclear ice breaker "T50 Lyet Pobyedi" (50 years of Victory). This is the latest icebreaker of the Russian Navy and every summer it takes two voyages with private passengers to the North Pole..... → read more
Jimmy Carter breaks over women's status
Carter.jpg "Women and girls have been discriminated against for too long in a twisted interpretation of the word of God", Jimmy Carter. "The justification of discrimination against women and girls on grounds of religion or tradition, is unacceptable."..... → read more