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Bliss at Tarn Taran
gurudwaratarn_taran_sahib.jpg On his arm he wore the kara or bracelet and in his holster was a kirpan. Handsome, I thought; and warrior-like. "Khalsa," said my driver, almost in an undertone. Khalsa? Who are they?...and every now and then a village straight out of Khuswant Singh's Train to Pakistan. ..... → read more
Digital diaries
library-thumb.jpg Not long back, research meant trudging down to the library, searching for journals through musty stacks and queuing up for the photocopier. But not anymore. Digital books will play a vital role since people today are more tech-savvy and time-conscious. ..... → read more
The Revolution of Truth : Sach Productions
A_little_revolution.jpg Many of us sit in our comfortable homes, in cushion seats and have a bag of chips, with a can of soda. Oblivious to others, we sit numbed in our own reality. One person I know that is not numb for sure is my sister Harpreet;I respect her passion, her drive..... → read more
The New Age Granthis
m_id_221325_baba_singh_says_students_here_are_motivated_to_learn_the_scriptures.jpg “The courses in religious studies are run completely free of cost. We provide education, training, clothes, lodging and food to the students. Former Jathedar Akal Takht Giani Joginder Singh Vedanti is the patron of this institute and he comes to teach the students three times a week...... → read more
India's Sikhs Turn to UN for 1984 Justice
UNHRC-thmnl.jpg Holding that Indian Union Home Minister, P. Chidambaram's recent exhortation to the Sikh community to "forgive" and "move on" with regard to the 1984 pogroms of Sikhs amounted to a bald refusal of justice to victims, Sikhs for Justice and All India Sikh Students Federation have announced..... → read more
Finding Oneself
find-thmnl.jpg When I came to the United States during the heady ‘60’s the mantra was “finding oneself.” Young people routinely took a year or longer off between high school and college to travel all over the world - an odyssey and almost a pilgrimage to 'find' themselves...... → read more
Video: Faith in Taxis
Daniel Connell artist sqr.JPG This is a short video (about 6 mins) made by Australia Network Television featuring the work of the artist Daniel Connell about the Adelaide Sikh Community. It is a tribute by the artist to the honourable way in which the Sikhs who drive taxis in Australia conduct their lives. .....Watch, listen, read & ponder...
Time for Action: The Case of Prof. Bhullar
Bhullar1-m.jpg While Devinderpal Singh Bhullar spent 10 out of 16 years of incarceration in his dark solitary confinement cell, the Sikh panth was (and is) fighting its own struggles both at home in Punjab and throughout the diaspora...... → read more
Guru Granth Sahib: A Model For Interfaith Understanding
granth1-a.jpg But when his heart is illumined by True Knowledge, he knows that above all these wars of sects and sectarians presides the One Invisible Eternal All-knowing Bliss. In fact, the different faiths are like spokes of a wheel in which God forms the hub...... → read more
Historic Gurdwaras: Trees pay the price for modernisation
kalpvriksha_tree_20110620.jpg And now marble is king. Sikhism is the world’s youngest religion and perhaps the only one in which trees have contributed to spiritual evolution. More than 50 Sikh shrines across the country, and some in Pakistan, are named after trees. These are trees under which the Sikh gurus sheltered, rested or met their followers during their travels...... → read more
Year with the Beard/My Hairs teach me
harsimranpreet33-thumb_0.jpg It was about this time last year that I was impelled to share a very difficult, uniquely Sikh challenge for me. I am a woman with a very fuzzy chin. It’s not an exaggeration at all to say I have a beard. Since my hair is dark brown, I can’t even pretend people don’t notice it,..... → read more
Bishop Desmond Tutu: "God Is Not A Christian!"
Tutu-thmnl.jpg It is often said that God created man in his own image and man has returned the compliment, saddling God with his own narrow prejudices and exclusivity, foibles and temperamental quirks. God remains God, whether God has worshippers or not. We do scant justice and honor to our God if we want, for instance, to deny that..... → read more
Rahuldeep Singh: A New Kind of Teacher
rahuldeep-thmnl.jpg Rahuldeep Singh Gill tends to stand out at California Lutheran University, U.S.A., where he is the only religion professor who is not Christian. Rahuldeep is a Sikh-American, practising a religion which originated in the Punjab region of the South Asian subcontinent, where he was born...... → read more
The last moment before death...
Shaheed Singhs taking soul-sml.jpg
Then Bhai Surjit Singh did keertan and veechar which was its usual high standard. In this veechar Bhai Sahib mentioned about the grandmother of Bhenji Rajinder Kaur passing away only days before. At her final moment, Bibi ji was doing simran, then she did some loud Jaikaare, then she said "Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Ji Kee Fateh!!" before breathing her last...... → read more
Vege diet for athletes?
haripurkh-thumb_0.jpg So what do you eat? Being a vegetarian and a competitive athlete, I’m asked this question the most around Thanksgiving In the U.S. it’s difficult for some to imagine “Turkey Day,” without the turkey. I also used to frequently field this question as a college athlete, when I ran cross country and track...... → read more
The Spiritual Journey ~ on the physical plane
baolisahib84steps.jpg So now we went to Baoli Sahib at 9:00 PM and after inquiring about the rehat of doing the Paath from a sewadar, took our laminated copies of Japji Sahib Ji we went to the bottom, took a dip in the Baoli and started the paath in a high tone and sehajta, standing on the first pauri which was below the water. The feeling was so good,..... → read more
Annual Samuhik Vivaha Samagam in Hyderabad
15_style_23_2.jpg With blessings of the Almighty, it was a dream come true for 22 Sikh couples who got married in a befitting manner without spending a penny that too in the presence of over 25,000 Sikhs who came from far off places to bless the newly wed couples...... → read more
The Langar Initiative ~ Paraguay
paraguay-thumb_0.jpg The langar initiative began operations on a daily basis on 1 December 2010. One hundred meals are prepared daily in Atma Dev Kaur´s home and are distributed by the volunteers in different places within the Asuncion and Greater Asunción Area....... → read more
Khalsa Day & Hockey Night: What It Means To Be Canadian
Hockey1-a.jpg Brantford's Sikh community celebrated Khalsa Day, which was marked by a festival at the Gurdwara on Park Road North and a parade that celebrated the culture of Sikhism in Canada. I have been to the gurdwara many times over the years...... → read more
The Master Swordmaker and his newest Siri Sahib
image001_0.jpg Early in my career as an artisan and full time knife and swordmaker, my teacher for over 30 years, Yogi Bhajan, suggested that I use my artistic gifts to create things that uplift and inspire people. This selection of jewelry and objects is the fruit of my earnest effort to do just that, and to offer them to you and your loved ones..... → read more
The Tandoor: No Longer Just a Punjabi Oven
tandoor1-thmnl.jpg In fact, he had never heard of tandoors - Indian clay cooking vessels that are part oven and part barbecue pit - until 1986, when a New York gallery exhibited six-foot pots he had made, inspired by amphorae on Crete...... → read more
Dr. Gurnam Singh: Dean of Gurmat Sangeet
GurmatSangeet-thmnl.jpg On May 6, 2006, the Darbar Sahib reverberated with the sounds of stringed instruments for the first time in living memory. Dr. Gurnam Singh and a jatha of his students brought back the traditional Gurbani sounds. Five years down the line, Gurmat Sangeet strains now run across the state (and outside it)...... → read more
Spiritual storytelling: relating to stories of our Gurus
PHK-brown-half2-sqr.jpg Not too long ago I was invited to give a short talk about Vaisakhi at a Gurdwara in Birmingham. As I began planning how I would approach the talk, I thought a bit more about the spiritual function of sakhia (stories of the Gurus) in general. It became obvious that exploring Vaisakhi, or indeed any sakhi, from a historical angle..... → read more
SikhPark Creator Inspires Budapest Bank Ad Campaign
Dalbir singh.jpg The Budapest Bank, established in Hungary two decades ago, is one of the country's leading commercial financing institutions. It has chosen a Sardar from Britain - "Dalbir Singh" - as its host and public face in its nation-wide advertisement and marketing campaign. The concept - of the handsome young Sardar..... → read more
Your Spiritual Path
onegod.jpg How could a loving God bar any sincere person from meeting Him? I realized that this core belief, that in all human beings live the One Creator, began a process of opening me to God’s grace, drawing me into the wider embrace of Sikhism, a religion I did not know existed until I met the man who would become my husband...... → read more
Historian disputes modern-day yoga's Hindu identity claims
yoga.jpg Meera Nanda, visiting professor of history of science at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali, says for most Indians, yoga is a living symbol of their way of life, like apple pie is to Americans. But, she adds, they are unaware that the yoga of today can't claim Vedic antiquity...... → read more
What Shall We Do with the “Sunday Sikhs”?
PrithiHardKaurSqr.jpg Last Saturday I attended a one-day Sikh ‘camp’ at my local gurdwara. It was a great day and I was deeply touched by the warmth and friendliness of the sangat there, and it was nice to see a lot of new faces too. As usual, I attracted quite a bit of attention and about ten people came..... → read more
My First Day In Law School by T Sher Singh
Student-lecture-sml.jpg It's been more than three decades now, but I remember the day as if it was yesterday. It was my first day in Law School. I was excited and I was nervous. And I was late for class. I was trying to find my way to the First-Year Contracts class...... → read more
Teenagers and Peer Pressure
teenage-thmnl.jpg Why do otherwise good kids seem to make bad decisions when they are with their friends? New research on risk taking and the teenage brain offers some answers. In studies at Temple University, psychologists used functional magnetic resonance imaging..... → read more
The 8th Lord of Miracles Tour
img_5053.jpg From a period besieged by civil war, El Salvador's dark history is left as a mere memory for many of its people to stand strong and serve. From 1979 to 1992 El Salvador was under consistent battles on the streets, and guerilla warfare was an everyday occurrence through which many suffered losses;..... → read more
The Reluctant Auto-Rickshaw-Wallah
auto-rickshaw-thmnl.jpg When I first meet Manjot Singh, he looks like a bandit. Behind the seat of his rusted blue auto-rickshaw, he jabbers in incomprehensible Punjabi. He wears a red woollen beanie pulled down over his forehead. A grimy yellowed white handkerchief is wrapped around his face...... → read more
A story about a lady's prayer...
Woman praying sqr.jpg In September 1960, I woke up one morning with six hungry babies and just 75 cents in my pocket. Their father had left them. The boys ranged from three months to seven years; their sister was two. Their Dad had never been much more than a presence they feared...... → read more
"Daddy, why do you shave?"
George Bernard Shaw sqr.jpg Bernard Shaw used to tell a story about his father, whom he was delighted to watch shaving everyday. One day the five year old Shaw looked up and asked the old man "Daddy, why do you shave?" The father looked at his small son for a full minute and then threw the razor..... → read more
Mother Hope: Prakash Kaur and her Unique Home for Girls
shehas.jpg The woman behind the home is Prakash Kaur, who was herself left on the streets as a baby 60 years ago. Since 1993, she has dedicated her life to the noble but onerous mission of rescuing unwanted and unclaimed newborn girls and giving them a secure home and future...... → read more
Get me to the Golden Temple on time!
sisteract.jpg I was sitting in a Westminster restaurant having lunch with my father Jonathan when the call came through on my mobile. It was my twin sister Alexandra in India. ‘Are you sitting down?’ she asked. When I replied that I was, she said: ‘I’m going to get married – next week!’..... → read more
Celebration & Hope Sikh Sacred Music
RaagRatan-thmnl.jpg Its entire scripture, the Guru Granth, with a few minor exceptions, is set to the language and idiom of classical Indian musicology. Sikhism's Guru-Founders were superb poets and musicians and recognized that music can transcend words. One would think that the grammar and technology of music..... → read more
Manifesting Prosperity and Abundance
prosperity.jpg Guruka Singh, shares his unique perspective on what prosperity really is and how it is not really about having lots of money. "Prosperity is understanding, in each moment, that whatever you need, and even more is at hand at the moment you need it. That you will always have enough to live with grace;" ..... → read more
Golden Temple:Food For The Body & The Soul
Langar4-sqr.jpg He cooks lentils in a pot the size of a plunge pool. Jitendra Singh's soupy concoctions helps feed tens of thousands of people each day at the Golden Temple, the holiest shrine of the Sikhs. The glimmering shrine is one of India's best-known religious monuments..... → read more