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To give credibility to their cross-border terrorism charge Indian Intelligence Agencies carry out another 'synchronized' cold-blooded Sikh massacre in Kashmir on December 21, 2000 -- Fourth orchestrated Sikh massacre in twenty-one months ------- Four Sikh girls murdered & six wounded in Poshkreeri village of the Kashmir valley -------- Even Indian news magazines ridicule the orchestrated New Delhi Parliament attack tamasha on December 13th

Washington DC: December 24, 2001: A uniformed 40-man death squad of the Indian occupation army - trying to pose as insurgents with scarf's around their mouths - entered Poshkreeri village (near Pahalgam in Anantnag district of Indian-held Kashmir, 30 miles from Srinagar) - on Friday night, December 21, 2001 - and opened indiscriminate fire on houses belonging to the Sikh community. In this latest incident of Indian state-sponsored terrorism the uniformed hired assassins killed four Sikh females and wounded six other villagers in a repeat of last year's orchestrated Chitthisinghpura Sikh massacre (which was synchronized with the start of President Bill Clinton state visit to India on March 20, 2000) in which 35 innocent Kashmiri Sikhs were murdered - Al Capone style - by government assassins in Indian army uniforms.

The Kashmiri Sikhs are indeed still on India's hit list, 21 months after the Chitthisinghpura massacre. Indian agencies are prowling around even today for Sikh soft targets to synchronize with the current confrontationalist propaganda line of the BJP ruling coalition government of cross-border terrorism by Pakistan. The morally repugnant Brahmin-fundamentalist BJP rulers who think it is a good time for a war with its neighbour (which will be fought mainly in Sikh Punjab) want to arouse Sikh anger as the Indian army needs the support of the Sikhs on the ground! They have already requisitioned 4000 trucks from Sikh Punjab for the war effort, which could destroy the Sikh homeland and its holy shrines. State-sponsored terrorism Indian style! A brief Reuters Stop-Press Srinagar-datelined report, published in the December 22, 2001 Indian Express, suggests that the Dec. 21, "attack on Sikh families follows India's decision on Friday to recall its envoy from Pakistan for what it termed Islamabad's failure to act against terrorism. No group has claimed responsibility for the killings. Cops of the Jammu and Kashmir Armed Police guarding the village retaliated and engaged the gunmen in heavy firing according to the report. However the (uniformed) culprits managed to escape. Following the attack, the Kashmir state administration officials on Friday night said, security has been further beefed up in all the villages where the members of the minority community (Sikhs) are presently residing."

According to our sources this latest Sikh massacre took place at about 7.30 pm on Friday night and the dead and wounded lay unattended for hours till some senior police officers finally arrived at midnight and arranged for the removal of the dead and injured to nearby Bejibehara hospital. Some security! Some Administration! According to our sources a massive protest on Sunday by the angry Sikh community in Jammu, joined by the Muslim community and some Hindus, against the Indian-orchestrated Poshkreeri massacre got ugly when the protestors battled police and blocked traffic on the Jummu-Pathankot highway and overturned a number of vehicles. Following a similar Sikh massacre about nine months ago the Sheikh Abdullah Kashmir state administration had deployed 24-hour police pickets in 117 Sikh villages in the Kashmir valley. It claimed that the police pickets would protect the Sikh minority community (which has been living in Kashmir for nearly five centuries and was thinking of migrating) from armed terrorists/intruders/assassins. Some protection! The question that comes to mind is that despite half a million Indian occupation troops in Kashmir and a permanent police picket in the Sikh village how could a 40-man platoon of uniformed Kashmiri guerillas (or terrorists as New Delhi likes to call them) come into the village and kill people, unless of course the intruders and the police were 'hand in glove'. That should explain why the police picket in Poshkreeri village did not fire a shot. To cool the temper of the beleaguered Sikh minority community the government has suspended the nine policemen who were on duty in the village.

Nine months ago a very similar massacre was orchestrated by Indian intelligence agencies in the Mahjoor Nagar suburb of Srinagar in Indian-held Kashmir, in which six innocent Sikhs were murdered and nearly a dozen injured by uniformed intruders. A little over a year ago - November 21, 2000 - in a yet another massacre, four Sikh truck drivers were executed Al Capone style by troops in Indian army uniforms (equipped with wireless sets, tables and chairs) on India's most sensitive Srinagar-Jammu military highway in Kashmir. This bizarre event was synchronized with a ceasefire declaration by the central government. Obviously the killing of the Sikh women and children is aimed at disturbing communal harmony between the muscular Sikh minority and the Muslim majority and triggering a Sikh exodus from the Srinagar valley of Indian-held part of disputed Kashmir. Someone in New Delhi in the Home ministry is trying very hard to add fuel to the already volatile relations between India and Pakistan in the aftermath of the Indian orchestrated December 13 attack. This attack was orchestrated by Indian intelligence agencies on the Parliament building whose handiwork is being blamed on two Kashmiri rebel organizations.

Meanwhile we want to pen a few more observations about that December 13 'attack' on the Indian parliament, which was orchestrated by the BJP, coterie in New Delhi in imitation of the horrendous terrorist attacks on the United States on 9/11. Anything to get attention! India's leading fortnightly English news magazine FRONTLINE (a sister publication of the HINDU newspaper) in its cover story in the issue of December 22-January 04, 2001, on the December 13 Parliament shooting tamasha in New Delhi, claims that and we quote, "there are unmistakable signs that India is trying to imitate Washington after the World Trade Centre attacks. The blame game began in less than 24 hours. In the process some silly mistakes appear to have been made by India forty-eight hours after the Pakistan High Commissioner was summoned and handed over a demarche outlining three specific demands. The Delhi Police Commissioner however, made disclosures that were contrary to the assumptions made by the Indian establishment. The military regime in Islamabad could only be expected to exploit the situation fully. New Delhi had asserted that the attack was the handiwork of the Pakistan-based LeT (Lashkar-e-Toiba). But the Delhi police chief made it out that it was actually the Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) organization that was behind the attack. " Another Indian weekly News Magazine THE WEEK, December 23, 2001 issue, carries a note from reporter Prerna Singh Bindra, on the December 13 Parliament 'attack' which reveals that: "the white Ambassador car used by the intruders was an oldish-looking vehicle which did not have a parliament sticker, but sported a fake one from the home ministry. The duplicate sticker carried a message: "This is a car of the Home ministry and no one has the authority to stop it. Prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Lal Krishna Advani are idiots. They have done considerable damage to us. They are friends of Bush, who is bad too. We will kill both. Allah will be with us. We will succeed." Some sticker! Can any reader believe that an oldish-looking White Ambassador car which according to Indian media reports changed hands ten times in the last two months, carrying five armed terrorists (and 53 kilos of RDX and bags full of dried fruit and hand grenades) with a phony sticker just drove in like that into the high security Indian Parliament in New Delhi despite a Bombay police national alert that they had arrested an Al Qaida terrorist, named Mohammad Afroz Abdul Razak, 25, on October 02, 2001 near the Trombay nuclear facility and during his interrogation he had confessed about plans to attack the Indian and British parliaments and assassinate Home (Police) minister L K Advani?! The morally repugnant, Brahmin-fundamentalist, Swastika-worshipping BJP rulers who are misruling India always overdo the matter when they attempt deception!