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Gurdwara at Bhangani

Guru Ji describes the battle of Bhangani in much detail in the Bachittar Natak: Bhujung prayat chhand.

The sounds of trumpets and the beat of drums were echoing. The brave warriors started roaring from both sides and they with the full power of their arms continued to hit with their weapons. In the battle ground, now the shrieks of Chamunda goddess and her attendants dakinis (witches) were heard. How long it can be described; the fierce battle raged all around. Those all who stood firm in the field got killed but thousands of soldiers ran away. (Fateh) Shah riding on horseback ran towards the mountains. That brave one did not even hit a single arrow. Madhukar Shah of Dadval and king Jaswal also ran away with their soldiers. The stubborn Hari Chand catching hold of his spear in his hand stopped Mughals, Chandals, and the Rajputs on the Chandra lineage. He accomplished the duty of being the commander and whosoever struck with that warrior fell on the ground in two pieces. There, only Najabat Khan with his weapons killed Sangram Shah. This Khan killed many with his weapons and Sangram Shah was also sent to his heavenly abode at the hands of this Khan.

Dohra : Sangoshah killed Najabat Khan and was also killed at his hands. With his demise, cries of distress were heard all around in this world, but in the heavens echoed the sounds of cheers.

Bhjung Prayat Chhand : Witnessing the death of Sangram Shah in the battle field, your this lowly creature also caught hold of his bow and with one arrow killed Khan. My arrow hit the enemy in such a way as if he was bitten by a black cobra. So long he fell to the ground , I took over the second arrow and pulling it hit on the face of Bhikan Khan. Bhikan Khan, the killer, in fact escaped and took to his heels but his horse got killed. With (my) third arrow another person got killed. Now Hari Chand came to his senses and catching hold of his arrow he pulled and shot them continuously. Whoever was touched by his arrows could not survive and leaving his body here would go to his heavenly abode. That warrior, pulling two arrows was shooting them at a time and that brave person perished many horses. None could sustain his arrows which pierced the body and came out of it. All the warriers fulfilled their duties of commandership (and fought valiantly). The witches and ghosts were crying in the battlefield and the baitals were laughing and wandering there. The eagles were flying and sounds of kites were also heard.

Gurdwara Bhangani Sahib

The angered Hari Chand took over his bow and aimed at my horse he shot the first arrow. Second arrow he shot while aiming at me. God saved me and touching my ear the arrow went away. The third arrow he shot at my belt which pierced and went across my belt. Its tip pricked my skin but no wound occurred. The Lord in the form of time saved the life of this humble servant.

Rasaval chhand : As soon as the tip pricked me. my anger flared up. Catching the bow in my hand I pulled an arrow and shot it. On the other hand the warriors running here and there and their weapons were moving around. Meanwhile I shot that arrow which killed the powerful youngman (HariChand) Having killed Hari Chand other warriors were also trampled. The death killed Karori Rai also. Seeing this, repudiating the war all took to their heels and (seeing their commander dead) became horrified. Lord I became victorious because of your grace only. ||34||

Guru Sahib Ji had enmity towards no one, note how Guru Sahib Ji praises all warriors of all sides.

On a recent trip to India I was fortunate enough to visit Bhangani Sahib. It is about 6km from Paonta Sahib and is reached by driving through some long narrow dusty roads that lead you through a couple of small villages. Then, in the middle of some green fields stands the magnificent small Gurdwara of Bhangani Sahib. It is being renovated with marble floors being constructed around it. Inside the Darbar Sahib or main hall is also constructed in marble.

Although victory is mine, it is O Lord, due to your kindness and grace. Bachittar Natak.

This verse is inscribed in the Gurdwara at Bhangani.

Surrounding the Gurdwara are fields of lush green crops with a sense of peace and normality which belies the violent past, One looks around the tranquil setting are imagines Guru Gobind Singh Ji seated on his stallion commanding his Sikhs to their first battle, and what a glorious battle it was with Guru Ji and his Sikhs, although heavily outnumbered, came through victorious.

After attending to the wounded Guru Ji returned to Poanta Sahib and distributed gifts and rewards to his brave soldiers. Guru Ji consoled Pir Buddhu Shah on the loss of this sons and followers.

After the battle Guru Ji stayed at Poanta Sahib for some time. In that year Guru Ji’s first son was born to Mata Sundri Ji. To commemorate the battle Guru Ji named him Ajit Singh.

Guru Gobind Singh Ji had no anonymity against the hill chieftains, Guru Ji had no designs to gain territory for himself. Guru Ji was the guiding light in this world, but circumstances presented themselves thus that Guru Ji had no choice but to rebut the hill Raja's attack.

Gurdwara Bhangani Sahib: Fields of lush green crops surround the Gurdwara

Bhai Santokh Singh Ji writes :

Just as Krishan, after defeating his enemies in Mathura, went and established the town of Dawarka.; just as Sri Ram Chandra, after subduing Ravana in Lanka, celebrated his victory in Ayudhia; just as the Devtay having killed the demons rehabilitated Dev Loke; similarly Guru Gobind Singh Ji after winning the battle of Paonta returned along with his family to Anandpur Sahib amidst scenes of joy and celebrations.

About 10km from Poanta Sahib in a remote area away from the hustle and bustle of the city there is another historical gurdwara linked to the yudh of Bhangani. This is Gurudwara Shaheed Bunga Ogiyan wala(khaara), Paunta Sahib. At this site there took place the atim sanskaar (the final rites, cremation) of some of the Sikhs who were martyred in the yudha of Bhangani, these also included some sehjdhari Sikhs, this was personally organised by Guru Gobind Singh Ji who bestowed great blessings on his brave Sikhs.

The sewa of the gurdwara is now performed by Sant Baba Pritam Singh Ji Jhar Sahib from Ludhiana in the Punjab. Baba Pritam Singh Ji were the sewak (disciple) of Sant Baba Piara Singh Ji Jhar Sahib.

Baba Pritam Singh Ji and only one other sewadhar and his family stay their the whole time and they do regular Sehaj and Akhand Paths at the Gurdwara, Baba Ji personally tests and quizzes the paathies about their rehat and maryhada.Baba Ji also does regular langar sewa for Hemkund Sahib