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Shaheed Jathedar Harminder Singh Nihang,Khalistan Liberation Force

Shaheed Jathedar Harminder Singh NihangKLF

Pehla Maran Kabool Jeevan Ki Chhad Aas

Hohu Sabhna Ki Renka To Aau Hamarai Paas

One late evening in Jalandhar, Bhai Amarjit Singh was sat on his scooter with his 14-year-old cousin, observing a small row of shops. They had parked at a distance just enough so they could see when the shopkeepers were leaving. The would-be prey in this encounter was a Nirankari, who had desecrated a Gutka Sahib just a few days before.

As they waited patiently, they noticed the Nirankari was locking up and getting ready to leave. After closing up he began to walk home, unaware he was being stalked cautiously. Amarjit, instructed his accomplice to start the scooter and follow behind slowly maintaining a gap. The Singhs waited for the Nirankari to turn into a quiet ally and then sped up alongside him. They leapt off the scooter as Amarjit gripped him by the neck with one hand and shoved him to the ground. He pulled out a Sten-Gun from underneath his Lohi (Shawl) and passed it to his cousin, asserting; “Ehnu Marde!” (Kill him!).

The teenage Singh with a small round Dastar and a Parna covering his face, stood for a moment clutching the weapon. He was so young that he had no facial hair yet barring a faint moustache. He took a deep breath and raised the gun aiming at the Nirankari’s face. The sinful Nirankari screamed and scrambled as the youth stomped down firmly on his chest, visualizing what this dusht had done to the sacred Gutka Sahib. He squeezed the trigger firing the full magazine. The sound of the machine gun echoed throughout the whole area.

Amarjit put his arm around the youth with pride, the dead Nirankari’s head was so mutilated, that some of his features were splattered across the ground. The Singhs got back on the scooter and sped off. The young Singh didn’t go home that night and stayed out with the elder Jhujaru Singhs; who applauded his bravery and initiation to the movement. He could picture that Nirankari’s face as he was going to sleep but felt proud that he finally got to eliminate an enemy of Panth. The image of the Nirankari’s face was something he could picture for the rest of his life.

That 14-year-old was Bhai Harminder Singh Ji ‘Nihang’, who was known as ‘Mintu’ to his friends and family. The following is a brief insight into the life of a martyr who made the impossible possible, who showed the world a Singh of the Guru was bound by no worldly limitations, and held back nothing in his sacrifice for the Khalsa Panth and Khalistan. A modern age revolutionary, who revived the armed struggle for freedom in the past decade. Such a defiant and daring leader, who commanded several actions from his maximum-security jail cell. A warrior who never gave up even till his last breath.

Bhai Harminder Singh Ji was born 13th November 1967 at village Dalli in district Jalandhar. He carried out his initial education at the village school. As a young child he was very mischievous, always getting up to something in school or with the village kids. As he passed through from Jalandhar College, he continually stood out from the class, with his sharp mind and unique character. In fact, this was the case wherever Bhai Harminder Singh Ji went throughout his life, he would always be remembered.

Bhai Harminder Singh Ji was introduced to the Khalistan freedom movement via his cousin; Shaheed Bhai Amarjit Singh Dalli who operated alongside Shaheed Bhai Kanwarjit Singh Sultanwind, Shaheed Bhai Swaran Singh Rode and many other top Jhujaru Singhs.

Whilst still a teenager, Bhai Sahib carried out many actions and mastered operating multiple firearms. After a number of shootings, Bhai Sahib became known to the police, which led to his arrest. He was sent to Central Jail Jalandhar, where he came into contact with many prominent Jhujaru Singhs, including Shaheed General Labh Singh Ji.

During this time in jail Bhai Sahib would have deep conversations with his seniors. Unbeknown to him, this mentorship and discourse would bear its fruits in his 40s when he got inducted as the chief of Khalistan Liberation Force.

Once released from jail, his family sent him to Bombay to stay with his Massi. His Massar, Bhai Ajaib Singh, was well known for being involved in aiding Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Bhindranwale to leave Bombay during a police cordon, as well as housing Bhai Ranjit Singh, who went underground after assassinating Gurbachana Nirankari.

Bhai Harminder Singh Ji had become a family man and developed strong business acumen, establishing a multi-million-dollar construction company, which carried out large building projects around India, after moving with his family to Goa. Here, Bhai Sahib was widely respected, leading to his appointment as the local Gurdwara Pardhan. One of his leading initiatives in this was setting up Gurmat camps in Madhya Pardesh for Sikligar Sikhs.

Throughout this period of the late nineties, the armed movement had faded. Most Sikhs in Punjab and the diaspora began to look for a political means of obtaining sovereignty and independence which continues to evade us to this day.

The Rebirth of the Armed Struggle

In May 2007, Ram Rahim tried to impersonate a picture of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj and attempted to belittle the Amrit Sanchar. This led to widespread protests and unrest in Punjab and India, resulting in the Shaheedi of some Gursikhs. Bhai Harminder Singh Ji was deeply pained reading about the news from Punjab. His conscience wouldn’t allow him to continue his normal life.

Bhai Sahib Ji did an Ardas to Satguru Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji to bless him with their guidance and support to fight back against the injustice on Sikhs. He left behind his wife, son, 7-year-old daughter and business to dedicate his life to the Kaum. He formed a connection with a Singh from Jammu to set-up a network across Punjab and India.

“He had tapped his mining contacts in Goa to smuggle nearly 100 kg of explosives into Punjab.” (India Today, November 14th 2011)

This added to his artillery being fed into various districts. He sold his own property and belongings to fund the initial resurgence of the movement. On 2nd February 2008, Bhai Harminder Singh Ji planned to assassinate Ram Rahim. A tyre strapped with explosives was rolled towards the Ram Rahim’s convoy, unfortunately, the tyre hit the vehicle in front and Ram Rahim narrowly escaped. Later in the same year; a large quantity of explosives and arms was found buried by the Jagraon Police.

At this point Bhai Sahib was operating daily around Panjab setting up safe houses and preparing weapons for his network of freedom fighters. The Panjab Police began to make arrests and after torturing many Singhs, one name kept cropping up; ‘Nihang’. They began a state wide search operation for Bhai Sahib but couldn’t track his whereabouts. Investigators discovered that Bhai Harminder Singh Ji had a huge arsenal stashed around various villages in Punjab. He was preparing for warfare to liberate Panjab from the suffocating grasp of Hindustan.

The Great Escape

Bhai Harminder Singh had changed his attire to a more religious look, with a kurta pyjama because he was frequenting Gurdwara Sahib’s accommodations. He posed as a person on a Yatra. He would often tell the Singhs that the Indian agencies have several people on payroll in historical Gurdwara’s to keep an eye on who comes and goes, so he remained vigilant at all times.

A Singh nicknamed Vicky was staying with Bhai Sahib at Gurdwara Sultanpur Lodhi. One day they went out in the afternoon to the local shops. Before leaving their room, Bhai Sahib left the fan on and laid some clothing on the bed to dry. When they came back Bhai Sahib noticed a man sitting outside on a chair. He looked odd because his shoes were polished but his clothes were dirty. He had a suspicion that the man was CID or an agent. Bhai Sahib walked up the stairs to his room and immediately noticed that the fan was off.

He shouted to Vicky, leave all the stuff here and let’s go now! Vicky was unaware of what was going on. They walked back down the stairs passing the man sitting on the chair who was pretending to read a newspaper. As they got towards the back of the Gurdwara Sahib Bhai Sahib noticed several men scattered around in various places. All of whom were a formidable height and build, his suspicion became clear that these were RAW government agents.

Bhai Sahib was unarmed at the time but his quick thinking bought him some time. He began to adjust the right side of his shirt and kept his hand there pretending to get ready to pull a Gun out. He told Vicky to do the same. This deterred the agents from approaching as they were afraid of a shootout in a public place. But they continued to follow behind at a safe distance. As Bhai Sahib and Vicky got around the corner and out of sight of the RAW agents, they both sprinted as fast as they could. They jumped a wall but were only to be met with a river and a pathway.

Bhai Sahib had to make a quick decision here, he realised that only Vicky knew where all of the explosives were stashed as that was his duty. Hence, he ordered Vicky to leave via the path to ensure he escaped so the arms would remain in-play. Stuck in a predicament, and unable to swim, he took the support of Waheguru’s name and leapt into the river. Kicking his legs and arms, he somehow managed to stay afloat and ride the current until he was at a distance. He then came to a grass verge and hid under a small bridge.

To drown out the wailing police sirens, he continued to recite Gurbani. Bhai Sahib remained out of sight until pure darkness set and sirens stopped. Drenched from head to toe he then walked through fields and marshland for almost 6 hours before he could rest. The survival skills and bravery shown by Harminder Singh was a testament to his mental strength and fortitude. This was a major embarrassment for the Hindustan agencies that were unable to capture the constant thorn in their side, even when he was unarmed and on foot.

Vicky was unfortunate and got arrested after being spotted on the main road. He was tortured for several days and most of the explosives were seized by the Panjab Police. He was electrocuted and beaten senseless over multiple sadistic sessions until they managed to extract all the information on ‘Nihang’ and his past to confirm this was the same Harminder Singh booked for many shootings in the 80’s. They then cast their web of interrogation into Goa and conducted several raids on Bhai Sahib’s house and business properties. Harminder Singh was now amongst the most wanted in India, and his details put on the 2008 Interpol register.

Bhai Sahib remained underground for several weeks and eventually left Panjab and relocated to Malaysia. He helped some other Singhs evade arrest who were also wanted by the police and relocated them to Malaysia as well.

As well as setting up several fake self-proclaimed “Godmen” like Sirsa wala and Ashutosh, the central intelligence agencies and RSS developed a new wing under the guise of a “Rashtriya Sikh Sangat” group. This outfit was headed by Rulda S. An evil-minded dog of the Hindutva supremacists, who tried to establish an RSS influence and intelligence link between the Sikh diaspora and his masters.

In a joint operation, Bhai Harminder Singh Ji planned the execution of this RSS dog who thought he was untouchable. On the 29th July 2009, with Guru Sahib’s blessings, the RSS leader was riddled with bullets outside his residence in Patiala.

“Rulda Singh came back home at about 10:30 P.M after finishing his work on vehicle Bulero bearing registration No.PB-AH-0668. He parked the vehicle inside the garage and thereafter he had gone to close the main gate. Then some unidentified person or persons injured him by firing bullets. On hearing voice of “Marta-Marta”, his wife Surjit Kaur came outside the house and called him and also raised hue and cry. He (Rajinder, son of Rulda) also came out of his room and went outside to his mother and saw that his father was drenched with blood. His father told him that the person who fired bullets were two or three unidentified clean-shaven young persons who after firing bullets have run away along with their weapons.” (FIR by son of Rulda; Rajinder)

This action shook the Indian establishment to its core, leaving the agencies stunned at how such a protected asset was assassinated right under their nose. Within days, Parkash Badal made a public appearance on PTC News expressing his sadness and promised his Hindutva masters that he would arrest those responsible.

KLF Base in Malaysia

Towards the end of 2009, several meetings were held with many senior Khalistan Liberation Force (KLF) Singhs, including former associates of Shaheed Bhai Avtar Singh Ji Brahma, Shaheed Bhai Gurjant Singh Ji Budhsinghwala, Dr Pritam Singh Ji Sekhon, Shaheed Bhai Navneet Singh Ji Kaddian and Prof. Davinderpal Singh Ji Bhullar. It was decided that the Jathebandi would be revived and Bhai Harminder Singh Ji was declared the 5th Jathedar of the Khalistan Liberation Force.

“The ruthless Khalistan Liberation Force (KLF), a Sikh separatist group, is suspected to have set up base outside Kuala Lumpur, with at least four of its militants in hiding in Malaysia. The KLF has set up a base in Malaysia to enable the four militants to canvass for support, claim the Punjab police.” (The Star Online, Wednesday, 28 Jul 2010)

Jathedar Harminder Singh understood modern guerrilla warfare; therefore, he formed a new structure. He created sleeper cells and networks in different countries and each one would have no information of another. He would say to the Singhs “although our organisation is an armed group, we must operate like an intelligence agency, we must be smart and sophisticated because the enemy has advanced since the 80’s.”

His HQ at the time was a rented house in an up-market area in Malaysia. A room was dedicated for a continuous Sehaj Paath of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Each of the Singhs staying there had to read a certain amount of Angs from Senchiya of Guru Granth Sahib Ji every day. Another room was setup with all computers and technology to allow day to day communication and research. The third room contained exercise machines and free-weights to encourage the Singhs to remain fit and healthy. Jathedar Sahib ensured that all the Singhs maintained strict discipline and routine.

This group although small in number, was balanced with veteran Singhs and academic youth, who had sound knowledge of technology. Jathedar Sahib analysed all these skillsets to delegate each of the Singhs specific duties.

To maintain cover in the community, Jathedar Ji gave specific instructions to the Singhs. Only those who spoke good English went to the shops as immigration raids were often carried out in Malaysia, especially on Punjabis. When anyone left the house, the Singhs had a code that only a particular knocking rhythm would allow entry.

The KLF unit hacked Wi-Fi routers in close proximity for telecoms to avoid detection when communicating with fellow Singhs in Punjab. They became specialists in encryption, hacking, communication and had studied anti-surveillance and interception techniques. Jathedar Ji ordered many books of various revolutions and movements instructing the Singhs to study them. Each Singh had to study for at least an hour a day to motivate themselves and think of innovative ideas for the sangarsh.

One day Jathedar Sahib was reading Che Guevara’s Guerrilla Warfare book and told the Singhs that we should have our own as well. It was here that the infamous KLF Training Manual was created, which detailed everything a modern-day freedom fighter would need to know. From surveillance, counter surveillance to counter insurgency, this was all due to the forward thinking of Jathedar Ji. Each Singh was ordered to memorise the entire manual off by heart so no printed copy could be obtained by authorities. This enabled all the Singhs to provide training to new recruits in any location.

The Singhs did their morning Nitnem individually, but would sit together in the evening and complete Rehras in congregation. Jathedar Sahib would lead the Ardas, “Sache Patshah, sanu Khalistan de hathyar-bandh sangarsh vich seva karn da bal bakshna ate daas nu Shaheedi baksho.” He would recite these words with such passion to Akaal Purakh, as well as commemorating every sacrifice and hardship of the movement. Wherever he travelled, many had witnessed this heartfelt Ardas.

The KLF Singhs would have simple food, twice a day which consisted of basic lentils and Roti. Once a week the Singhs would get custard after prashada, they would get happy looking forward to this day where they got a treat. Jathedar Ji was firmly against money being spent on lavish items and luxury foods, to leave more resources for operations.

The Singhs would often play jokes on each other and had a great camaraderie between them. They felt like they were in the times of when the Khalsa Army retreated to the jungles, as they lived a simple lifestyle in a tight-knit brotherhood.

First KLF Action under Jathedar Sahib

HKL Bhagat was an Indian politician of the Congress party and a firm Indira Gandhi loyalist. Delhi 1984 Genocide victims testified that Bhagat led groups of armed attackers and incited them to violence. His right-hand man; Dr Budh Parkash Kashyap, was a mass murdered of at least 150 Sikhs along with Kishori Lal in Trilokpuri, Delhi.

Jathedar Sahib was in the process of selecting a suitable target to get the ball rolling. At the time, news was circulating that Dr. Kashyap had been acquitted by the courts, even though there were many eyewitnesses. The first KLF action under Jathedar Ji’s command was on the 31st October 2009. Jathedar Sahib primed a Sikh from Delhi to carry out the action. He instructed that a knife should be used as it was a busy area and the locals would gather quickly at the sound of gun-shot.

“On Saturday evening, a masked man barged inside Kashyap’s clinic and stabbed him twice on head and chest, said a police officer.” (Times of India, Nov 2, 2009).

The mass murderer Dr. Budh Parkash Kashyap was assassinated by the KLF. The assassination was purposely planned and executed to commemorate the 25th anniversary of killing Indira Gandhi. This action shook others who were also involved in the genocide:

“A few streets away, a thin man peeked out through the iron door before opening it. Ved Prakash (60), a plumber, is worried after Kashyap’s murder though for different reasons. He is one of the 88 men in Trilokpuri who still has cases against him. Prakash and his brother Om served eight years in 14 cases and are out on permanent bail. I am afraid of going out now, said Prakash. I come back late from work and I could get killed.” (Indian Express, November 3, 2009)

When the KLF took responsibility for the action, the SSP of Patiala Ranbir Khatra made a statement in the media, which would come back to haunt him: “The KLF laid down their arms a long time ago and no longer exist”.

A Revolution Requires the Support of the Masses

From the year 2010 to 2014, Bhai Harminder Singh Ji travelled to many different countries in Europe, North America and South East Asia meeting with many supporters of Khalistan.

Bhai Sahib was a master of disguise, wherever he went he was able to quickly assess the situation and fit in with the local culture. He could converse with people from all walks of life effortlessly and at their level, whether it was an intellect or street youth, remaining covert; leaving many who sat with him unaware that they had just broke-bread with a General of the Khalistan movement.

“Known as a master of disguise, he lived under different identities in Europe, besides Goa. He kept Thailand as his main base… He first came into limelight when he was accused of being the mastermind behind the assassination of Rashtriya Sikh Sangat chief Rulda Singh in Patiala in July 2009. He was arrested in November 2014 from Thailand. He used to travel on a new identity and a passport every time, revealed an official.” (Tribune India, April 19th 2018)

Jathedar Harminder Singh Ji was very intelligent and was up to date with the latest technology, he was always one step ahead of the agencies with his sophisticated methods, and unique ability to manipulate the operation of electronic devices to suit his needs and remain untraceable.

As well as the need for technology, Jathedar Ji recognised that the war against the enemy state also needed to be fought on the ground. It was stated in the media that a number of training camps were set up around different remote parts of the world.

“Mintoo has base in countries like Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand and foreign agencies had plans to bring back militancy through these sleeper cells said sources, adding that Mintoo made these contacts during 2009-14.” (Deccan Chronicle, Dec 1, 2016)

The freedom fighters were gathered in small numbers and both physical and mental training was given in explosives, fire arms and combat. During the evening, discourses were given to the recruits based on the importance of the character and faith of a freedom fighter.

An insurgent group in South East Asia set up a training camp where Jathedar Ji attended. Half way through the training, the trainer stopped and asked Jathedar Sahib to teach him how the technology worked, and in turn became a student of his.

Whichever country Jathedar Sahib had travelled to he made links with local insurgent groups. Wherever he set up camp, local insurgents would ask for their freedom fighters to be allowed to participate. Bhai Sahibs knowledge and expertise was embedded deeply into their cadets so they could pass the abilities onto the next generation. He built a network across the globe with many freedom fighting rebels.

Singhs who stayed with Jathedar Ji said you never knew what he was planning to do next; he had a diary which had all sorts of information in it. If someone looked at it, they would never be able to understand it because everything was written in codes.

Jathedar Sahib had a really unique personality, even though he was the General of the KLF, he never made any other Singhs feel like they were below him in rank. He would listen to ideas from younger Singhs and take their suggestions on board. He joked with the younger Singhs saying “I may look old but I’m still a youth, don’t be deceived by my appearance. I’m young like you guys and still have the fire of a youngster inside me.”

Jathedar Ji would never engage in any debates on foreign soil, especially with people not aware of who he was. But on one occasion the topic of the armed struggle came up. A person said something which really touched a raw nerve with Jathedar Ji. “What was the point of the armed struggle anyway? We never achieved anything”, said the man. Jathedar Ji replied “Our armed struggle is one of the most successful in the world. Our Singhs took out the Prime Minister, Chief Minister, dozens of MP’s, MLA’s, Judges, top rank police officers IGs, SSPs, DSPs. All with simple weaponry, simple tactics and just courage. You tell me which armed movement has done that? And if it wasn’t for them, we would all be Hindus by now! So, think before you talk nonsense again”

The man was silenced and later apologised for his comments.

Jathedar Harminder Singh Ji Nihang expelled the myth that the demand for freedom and Khalistan had diminished and showed the world that the Sangarsh was well and truly alive; outmatching Hindustan’s advancement in weaponry, technology and power, with sophistication, character and relentless faith.

You can jail a Revolutionary, but you can’t jail the Revolution

Early in November 2014, Bhai Harminder Singh Ji was arrested in Thailand and his pictures were for the first time released in the media. People all over the world were shocked that the person they had sat with was actually the leader of the most active Sikh freedom fighting group in the world.

Jathedar Ji was sent to Delhi and was severely tortured for weeks by the Panjab Police, Intelligence Bureau and the NIA. It must be noted that after the arrest of Jathedar Ji there were no subsequent arrests of any other KLF operatives in Panjab. The agencies attempted to break the spirit of this mighty lion. He was deprived of food and water, beaten with sticks and electrocuted. But with the blessings of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj he never gave any information under torture. He was then sent to Nabha Jail. You would be forgiven for thinking that his capture would put an end to his mission.

Caging a Lion doesn’t diminish his aura or fight

The Singhs in Nabha Jail would jokingly refer to Jathedar Ji as ‘Messi’ because he loved to play football and always opted to be the captain of his team. He also often played Badminton to keep himself active and healthy.

Whilst in Nabha jail, Jathedar Ji influenced several Sikh youths, some of whom were notorious gangsters that became inspired by his jeevan and integrity. Bhai Sahib made the gangsters mend their ways and influenced them to become Khalistani’s. He explained to them who the real enemy was and how the Indian government continues its systematic genocide of the Sikh Nation. Jathedar Ji tied Dumalla on the likes of Vicky Gounder and other gangsters in Nabha jail. Vicky Gounder was recognised as the number 1 gangster in Panjab, he wrote a poem whilst imprisoned titled: “Why I am Khalistani” which enraged the Indian agencies.

Jathedar Harminder Singh Ji Nihang was not interested in fighting useless court cases. Instead from behind the walls of Punjab’s most notorious maximum-security prison he carried on the fight for Khalistan.

In 2016, due to his intelligence and hacking capabilities, Bhai Harminder Singh Ji planned and orchestrated a number of hits on the enemies of the Khalsa Panth from a small jail cell. Not only the Punjab government but also the central Indian government were totally lost on who was masterminding all the high-profile assassinations across the country. They were confused on how this carnage and chaos was taking place when the most dangerous Sikh alive was in their custody. Was this the work of one of the KLF’s sleeper cells?

Nabha Jail Break

The morning of 27th November 2016 hit the Indian state like a storm from the pinnacle of the armed movement. Members of the Shera Khuban Gang, burst through the entrance gates, in blacked out jeeps, surrendering jail security and officials under a tirade of gunfire. Jathedar Harminder Singh Ji, along with rejuvenated gangsters broke out of jail. The planning and execution of this jailbreak was credited to the KLF Chief nationwide. But was later re-arrested.

However, again 2017, a new succession of hits throughout Punjab caused great panic and distress to the Indian government who feared they were losing their grip on the Punjab state. To crack down and find a lead on who was behind these Jhujaru actions they increased the manpower and police resources tenfold throughout the region. Through CCTV and witness statements, they could only establish these hits were the work of 2-armed motorcycle borne assailants.

A reward of 50 lakh rupees was announced as well as a job in the Police. Another reward of 50 lakh rupees was again announced totalling the bounty to 1 crore rupees (£110,000 GBP).

In November 2017; Capt. Amrinder announced the police force, had finally made a breakthrough in the targeted killings of RSS, Shiv Sena and Sirse Wala leaders, after arresting a score of Sikh youths.

The authorities increased their interrogation and torture of KLF Chief Bhai Harminder Singh Nihang, realising that he co-ordinated everything from his jail cell. While in Nabha Jail, the police later realised that Jathedar Ji had a mobile phone. He gave the Indian establishment and Hindutva extremists two years of mayhem and sleepless nights:

23rd April 2016 – Durga Prasad Shiv Sena area head executed in Khanna.

3rd August 2016 – Jagdish Gagneja; The Punjab RSS Chief, who declared there were no Khalistani groups active in Punjab, following an earlier attack on RSS training grounds.

14th January 2017 – Amit Sharma; Hindu takht leader assassinated in Ludhiana.

24th February 2017 – Mandi Ahmedgarh Pind Jagere, 2 leading members of Sirsa cult were shot dead.

17th October 2017 – RSS leader, Ravinder Ghosai gunned down outside his home.


Jathedar Harminder Singh Ji Nihang brought the Khalistan movement back to the forefront, at a time where the Hindustan agencies were resting on their laurels and assumed the Khalistan movement was extinguished. Bhai Sahib carried the flag of Sikh armed resistance through undeniable dedication and willingness to sacrifice their; family, wealth and body for the Panth at each turn.

The state and centre are as ever, determined to eradicate any symbol of resistance to their oppression of Sikhs. They had been unable to cope with the modernised and innovative operations of the latest Khalistan Liberation Force Jathedar, and couldn’t save face after the embarrassment of admitting they suspect Bhai Harminder Singh of being the mastermind of all the aforementioned actions and further Khalistan linked activities, whilst he was under their constant supervision and isolation.

“Mintoo is listed in the Punjab Police records as the brain behind a number of killings; the main fund-raiser for activities; organiser of modules and the vital link between organisations based abroad, having the common agenda of backing pro-Khalistan elements in Punjab and elsewhere.”

He was an expert in brainwashing youths, said an official who had interrogated him recently. The official added that Mintoo succeeded in establishing a chain of contacts among Punjab gangsters, arms smugglers, foreign agencies and banned Khalistan organisations.” (Tribune India, 18th April 2018)

Jathedar Ji was moved to Patiala Central Jail and isolated from the rest of the inmates. He was placed in solitary confinement as the agencies were scared that he would make further plans. On 6th January 2018, Advocate Jaspal Singh Manjhpur informed the media that Bhai Harminder Singh Ji’s life was in danger due to the actions of some jail officials. Bhai Sahib was forced to go on hunger strike in jail for medical treatment, which was repeatedly denied.

On the 18th April 2018 the Kaum lost one of the most valuable assets of the last decade. The Indian government realised this Singh could not be stopped and that they were sitting on a ticking time bomb. Despite false media reports of heart problems, Jathedar Harminder Singh Ji Nihang was tortured to death with continuous interrogation and electrocution. Family members reported that his hands had black marks on them and his body was bruised.

To those that knew him, ate out of the same plate as him, slept alongside him in the toughest of conditions, crossed country’s borders by foot with him, witnessed the greatest mastermind of the modern Khalistan movement slowly tortured to death by the hands of the Panjab police and jail authorities …there is nothing to mend the wounds on their hearts except knowing that Guru da Sher has returned to Guru dee godh and the fight for armed resistance for Khalistan continues.

Jathedar Harminder Singh Nihang is the newest addition to this long list of sacrifices. Following in the footsteps of Giani Aroor Singh and Jathedars Avtar Singh Brahma, Gurjant Singh Budhsinghwala and Dr. Pritam Singh Sekhon, it was Jathedar Harminder Singh Nihang who once again brought forward a Guru dictated concept (hathyar-bandh sangarsh) of Sikh sangarsh at a time when it was all but forgotten and cast aside.

Jathedar Harminder Singh Nihang is a historical figure within the Sikh sangarsh and not just somebody who showed up out of nowhere. His history is deep and full of sacrifice and commitment and also one that many are not aware of. It seems like a foreign concept to many as to why an individual would tread this path again after over a decade of silence on the armed struggle front. Anyone who knew Jathedar Harminder Singh Nihang has made it abundantly clear that his sole mission was to give life to the Khalistan sangarsh again and help the youth realize the words spoken by Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale around how the Khalsa is to respond and they are as relevant and true today as they were when he announced them from Manjhi Sahib at Darbar Sahib 35 years ago.

Jathedar Harminder Singh Ji left all worldly attachments and dedicated his life to the Panth and pursuit of freedom. The responsibility now lies with the Sikh youth to take Bhai Sahib’s ideas forward and free the Panth from the shackles of Indian slavery.

The power of one, if fearless and focused, is formidable… but the power of many working together is untameable

Singh Soorme 6 Magazine
