Talk:Wrong Sikh Names

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Proposed Khalsa Standard of Writings on Sikh Web Sites

A TRUE writer's TRUE PROFILE ( should reflect writer's TRUE persona ...)

jin mn hor muK hor s' kan.d' k~cia........

  • 1. There should be a TRUE IDEA (should reflect Creativity) blended into the text.
  • 2. The spirit of the Idea should be devoid of any subjectivitiy / phobia / fear / duality / hidden agenda ( should reflect Fearlessness).
  • 3. Should conform to Sikhi. standard encapsulated in pavan SatGurBani Shabad (must NOT reflect / imply even an iota of ill will for even enemies )

hm nh.e c.g' bura bh.e koe'......

  • 4. The IDEA should be flawlessly TRUE for time ahead even beyond eternity. (should be immune to the passage of time) without implying / conveying false / dual meanings.
  • 5. Should be appealing to the masses ( 'Have Nots' ) to the extent of its being worship worthy even at the cost of their not being appreciated well by the Learned pandits & should be true to the pavn SatGurBani spirit encpsulated in.....

neeca a.dr neec jaq neece hu aqi neec...nank qin k' s.g saQ vdi.a sio kia rees

  • 6. Should evolve from the mind of the writer hirself & TRUE to the spirit of SatGurMat encapsulated in pavn SatGurBani...

s"b.g nank e'v" jaxee" sb ap" he sciar..... ssb kuJ ap" aap........

  • 7. Should have blessesings of the spirit of SatGurBani

This barking Mutia had the Hukm of writing the avove text on this page. I further have the hukm to seek inputs from readers of this proposal to develop a universal Khalsa standard of writings on Sikh websites. Needless for me to say that only those will respond who would have blessings of SatGur.

For Dear Mutiassay something !!!!!. I am waiting for your emails !!!

--Mutia 11:55, 2 October 2007 (EDT)

PS: Sayth Nank .....

....Keeping quiet against a chalange is reflection of fear / indifference / lack of faith in Satgur / currupt mind / duality .

  • The mental state of a scared & hiding reader is best reflected by Guru......

a.dh' sio kia khe'' na kahia buJ".

A Sikh (who calls him that way) is not one, if SHe shys away from any chalange what so ever .

aqhe rx m' tau juJ mrao....

gav' koi taq jy hov" kis" qan............ ....sing with me if you have 'IT' in you.

A Sikh stands flawlessly identified as one by Guru...

j' m~nia qa mnee' buJee' gur prsadi. aKx jor cup" nh.e jor........'

--Mutia 11:55, 2 October 2007 (EDT)