Talk:Sher Singh Shera

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i tried in earnest to see what was going on here, the 2 opposings side the hatred from both sides is evident, the torture comes across but many many words left undefined keeps this story from having any significant impact unless the audience is Punjabi, Sikh and strongly identified with the fight for?

  • Freedom
  • Equal Rights
  • more power
  • revenge
  • respect
  • Kalistan, what kind of Kalistan, a free one like that of Maharaja Ranjit Singh where men of all religions felt protected, one where the leader attended , as did Guru Nanak holy mandirs of other religions, or as i have seen in some stories, of some who had desires of keeping everyone out except Strict Amrithari Sikhs who would not stop like Guru Gobind Singh did at Chamkaur and ask for shelter, but would rather demand the Garhi, kick out the owners and have their way, some stories have painted a land that sounded like they wanted a land like the Taliban-no Barbers, no things sold except what they said--every one who does not toe the line must leaves? Men who will only eat food cooked by their sect. Certainly the music stores would not be closed and instruments banned (the human voice only!) would women keep their equal footing. If they wanted to thread their eyebrows?

Trying to be informed please add translations. in one sentence- Bhai sahib jee started protest againbst comrades at his college. -- Comrades is a loaded word (friend - to russians) communists in the west. Some stories tell of some Sikhs wanting communism or Socialism. was this who he was agitating against, or fellow Sikh students, or his Hindu friends, or Hindu students. What was the ajitation, posters, preaching, threats of violence a hartal-no classes?

Next… "…But with the change of sarkar it never affected the jujahroo singhs but police and inidan force tortures always affected many jujahroos and their families. It never and and always does!

the change of leadership (of what) India's , Punjab's? it never affected the Jujahroo and a few words later …it always affected many jujaroos and their families as well?

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Definitions, sans souci, one reads put road blocksks every where then one tunes out………does not read!

loal =

started the study of medical. (medical school?)

puratan singhni=


loud jaikaras=___________________________________yet no tears (from the eyes) ashok?

pind =

the government shows hatred to Sikhs in college, on films, teachers --how is this hatred shown by the government?



pardhan =

bharat ( old word for India, is this now considered a derisive term for India or being held up for ridicule as Hindu?)

hukamat = order/command

After the attack bhai sahib jee decided to join the sangarsh (i thought he was already in the sangarsh) still have no idea.. does one always die in a sangarsh?

In the sentense ...even if it means his wholke family will be killed or torured by the police and forces. has he made a decision which steals his mother's, siblings freedom or another's individual free will?

pagaora = what is a pagaora...why no diploma.

although he has now twice joined the sangargh he now decides, sans diploma, to again joined the movement and the torture of family members begin also.

But on bhai sahibs mother it didn't affected the hatred by government.---ununderstandable!!!

it seems to me that being tortured, by the government, because her son is upset with the government holding back her sons diploma, that her hatred for the Government would be very affected, even increased.

kicking at his main parts (privates or torso)

what is ghotna?=

thana payal vikha=

does lavaris really mean unidentified body=

a different name to the panth...what was the name?

made the sangarsh more stronger. how, still don't know what a sangar is=

I can spend a lot of time and look for all of this on line, but since by posting a story i assume one is soliciting understanding or trying to bring about some change, as opposed to just repeating the good old days stories that were anything but good! Except in the amount of stoic suffering endured, lets communicate and enroll the world in Justice, as did the 10 Earthly Nanaks.

This is not meant to be an attack, I do not know who wrote this and what the aim is, i would like it to enroll others in the work of the Guru/s.