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By Chaudhry Rajinder Nijjhar, M.Sc.

Mythology as the name implies does not reflect real stories but they are made up to impart lessons in morality to the once-born people especially the children of SHOODAR VARN. Whereas the Gospel are the spiritual principles, which are not made up stories called MITHHAYA but REALITY. Gospel is not for the once-born people who are incapable of "PERCEPTION" but for the twice-born people of spirit or SURTI capable of perceiving without seeing.

Christ Jesus made this clear in the Parable of Nicodemus, in which He differentiated between the two, flesh and spirit. But majority of people sometimes do understand this Parable in the "letters" but they fail to apply it to understand the difference between Mythology and Reality.

In this Parable, Christ Jesus said, "You see the leave moving but what makes them move you cannot "see". And what you cannot "see" is of the "spirit"". Now, most people understand this as an observation but the inference they cannot draw. Parables apply to us and therefore, the inference is that you "see" with your two naked eyes people moving around as the living beings but makes them living is the soul of God. When a person dies, "soul" returns to his Father and the "flesh" is left behind to their people related in flesh which they do not want him in the house anymore but to be disposed off through cremation or burying. Speaking theologically, "flesh" or what you "see" with your two naked eyes is not the REAL SELF but the "soul" that abides in a person, which cannot be "seen", DAEKHNA, by the two naked eyes but it is "perceived", PAEKHNA, by the Third Eye of logical reasoning, is the REAL SELF. So, in this world, it is the meeting of the "souls" through the media of physical bodies.

Christ Jesus summarised the difference between the TWO by saying that what is born of "Flesh", Adam or the tribal father, is "flesh" and what is born of "Spirit", God, is "spirit" or "soul". Yet many still believe that the Creator demi-god of male and female is the same as God, our Father in Spirit even though the fact that what applies to "flesh", the opposite applies to "soul" is well known to them. Thus, the Creator demi-god Yahweh or Brahma is a "jealous and revengeful" demi-god whereas our living God is "Loving and Merciful". So are their followers; the once-born people of flesh are jealous and revengeful and they always love people of their own colour and tribe whereas the twice-born people of spirit are always "Loving and Merciful". Brother Theresa of Calcutta was a typical example. Although in flesh Theresa was a female but in spirit she represented God and the one who represents a father is always a "son". DAIYA DHARM KA POOT.

At the times of Christ Jesus, most of the Chosen People and their Priests were once-born people who hypocritically praised God through their lips but in practice they hated those who did not belong to them.

This was reflected in the story of neighbour that Christ Jesus told. A wounded person lay on the wayside; a Rabbi passed by and thinking that the wounded man does not belong to his Parish, why should he help him reflecting that their Rabbis were devoid of the Spirit of God. Then a Pharisee, a man of "letters", who knew Torah well also, passed by reflecting that he too was devoid of the Spirit of God. A Samaritan, which the Chosen People take them for heathen, when he came around the wounded person, he displayed all the Love and Mercy that one should expect of a son of God. In other words, the people we think are illiterate and have no knowledge of God as in Africa or Brazil, are better recipient of the qualities of God than the educated university Professors of theology, the Pharisees.

This Christ Jesus demonstrated at the Canaan marriage party when He asked the servants to fill the empty water jars with clean water and then He turned the clean water into the New Wine through the Spirit of God. This miracle again stresses that people like the Samaritans or the Gentile are like the Jars full of clean water, people of high morality, who are capable of receiving the Word of God but not the people who have the yeast of the old wine in them. Remember that the "old wine" is the "letters" that people learn at a university and such people are not capable of receiving the New Wine of Spirit. Such men of "letters" are also called the old skins incapable of holding the New Wine of Spirit such as Adam and Eve were not created by God but they are the mythological story in which a mythological demi-god Yahweh was coined to impart the moral laws to the once-born people who go for the tit-for-tat moral laws. Such men of "letters" have no "innerman" as they believe what the Books or others say and, therefore, they are incapable of renewing their views.

Thus, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv are mythological characters but in practice they impart useful lessons to people that make them understand the subject of religion. For example, Shri Ram Chander Ji was the incarnation of Vishnu, Who, like Moses, dictated the moral laws, MURYADA PARSHOTAM AVTAR, whilst Shri Krishan Baldev Ji was the incarnation of Shiv, Who sided with the righteous persons and made them win the political war, NEETI PARSHOTAM AVTAR. Whilst in Kal Yug both of them came. Satguru Nanak Dev Ji was the incarnation of Par Vishnu, Who proclaimed the Spiritual Principles, the Word whilst Sachae Paatshah Gobind Singh Ji was the incarnation of Par Shiv, Who fought against the oppression of people.