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Sandeep Singh Brar, founder of website. "I want to educate non-Sikhs about this great world religion and its progressive philosophies. For Sikhs I want you to be proud of who you are, that can only happen if you know what you are."

In December 1994 the Sikhism Home Page was launched, the worlds first web site on Sikhism.

"Welcome to The Sikhism Home Page. I hope that it has been or will be an enriching experience for you.

"The Name of the Lord this alone is my wealth. I do not tie it up to hide it, nor do I sell it to make my living." Bhagat Kabir, Bhairo, pg. 1157

I think that quote really describes the way I view this web site. It's all about celebrating and sharing with others. It's not about being selfish and keeping what you know or have learned to yourself or trying to use the pretext of religion to make money. That's why you won't find this web site on a commercial CD being sold to make money. It's here on the Internet for anyone in the world to access free of charge, not requiring any membership or money from anyone. Read, learn, think, contemplate, discuss and enjoy.

Website Mandate

The mandate of this web site is very specific and that is to be a learning resource about Sikhism. It's not meant to be an entertainment site, nor is it meant as a social site. It's purely focused on being a learning resource and nothing else. Why? Because that is my specific area of interest. I will leave the presentation of such topics as post-Guru Sikh history and the political/human rights struggle in Punjab to others who have expertise in those areas. My passion is Sikhism and that is where I enjoy devoting my spare time.

The Internet is a very powerful medium, in the wrong hands in can easily be used to spread misinformation with damaging consequences. In this regard I have made a concerted effort to present information about Sikhism while respectfully remaining within the parameters of The Reht Maryada which is The Official Sikh Code of Conduct. There are a number of theological issues where Sikh scholars differ and there is debate or variance. As a Sikh, I have presented my views on some of them, but at all times I have been very respect to not contradict either the Rehit Maryada or the Akal Takht, which is the governing temporal Sikh authority."

The above quote from Sandeep Singh Brar, founder of the