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Revision as of 15:49, 20 August 2007 by Hari singh (talk | contribs)
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Thirty-two nominations have been received for the inaugural Guru Nanak Inter-faith Prize carrying a cash component of 50,000 dollars to be awarded to an individual or for a collective effort in promoting religious dialogue and peaceful coexistence. The prize introduced by the Hofstra University, New York, is named after the founder of Sikhism, Guru Nanak. One of the nominations received is that of spiritual leader Dalai Lama. Last date for filing nomination was July 1........
UNESCO has conferred its "Asia-Pacific Heritage Award" to a Sikh shrine in Gujarat's border district of Kutch. The government of Gujarat undertook the conservation and reconstruction of the 200-year-old gurdwara at Lakhpat in Kutch district after it was damaged during the 2001 earthquake. "Impressed by the efforts, UNESCO has conferred the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Award to the Lakhpat gurdwara and thereby appreciated the state government," an official release said.......
His long white beard fluttering in the breeze, his turban streaked with grime, Ajit Singh walks into the machine room of Ducklangia tea estate in Assam. Everyone has been waiting for the fitter expectantly. At once he gets down to work and, in a jiffy, points out the problem. As Nirod Singh, the manager of Ducklangia tea estate, says: “Ajit Singh was supposed to have retired eight years ago. But we requested the marvellous mechanic to continue — he is simply indispensable."......
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Q: Congratulations on being selected the youth of the month, please tell us a little bit about yourself..

R: I am very fond of anything spiritual, artistic and thought provoking. I enjoy immersing myself in painting, song-writing; singing and classical guitar, creative writing, poetry... spiritual concepts such as Naam, Amrit, IK, Shabad, and Merging fascinate me, and the occasional mind-blowing spiritual conversations are very dear to me. I love learning and I'm never done learning...... Other Youths of the month

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An important meeting took place recently in Lahore to finalise the structure and faculties for a proposed University being set up by the Government of Pakistan in honour of Guru Nanak. On 15th and 16th June 2007, many prominent leaders from around the world attended this gathering. Present were important Sikh representatives from different corners of the globe and included Sardar Avtar Singh Makkar , president of SGPC, Sardar PS Sarna the president of Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee.....

More News at: Sikhnet, Panthic, BBC Sikh
Sikhsangat, World Sikh & Punjab Heritage