User:Hari singh

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I am based in the UK at a place called Ilford, Essex that is just outside London to the East. We have 5 Gurdwaras within 30 minutes drive of here. We have a strong Sikh community who cover a broad spectrum of backgrounds and professions. The nearest Gurdwara is Sri Guru Singh Sabha, Seven Kings, Essex which is about 10 minutes walking distance from our home.

I am married with 2 children who are in their early 20’s. I have been a Sikh from birth and took Amrit in about 1974 at Sri Guru Singh Sabha, Barking. My original training was in IT but I find that a little taxing now.

Apart from SGGS guidance, I have had the good fortune to share the Gurmat blessings from Pujay Baba Puran Singh, Kericho wala. Baba ji was the most gifted puran Sikh that I have met so far in my life.

He was an inspiration to thousand of Sikhs in East Africa and in UK.

Wiki Experience

I started contribution to Wikipedia on 11th March 2004. My Contribution to Wikipedia are primarily in connection with my religion, which is Sikhism. I was born as a Sikh and have been ‘practising’ my faith for at least the last 30 years.

I was born in Kenya and my early childhood was spent in East Africa. However, my parents are both originally from Jalandhar in India. Part of my family relocated to the UK in the late 1960's soon after Kenya became independent in 1963. As a infant, my family lived in a small town 14 miles from Nairobi called Ruiru. Nairobi is the capital of Kenya. From the age of about 9 years to about 12 years, we moved to a small provincial town which was then called Fort Hall - the name of the town has now changed to Murangʼa.

My father was employed by East African Power & Lighting Co Ltd. Due to his employment, the family moved to various different locations in Kenya. Ruiru, Wanji (near Fort Hall) and Nairobi South were location where the company had power generation plants. The Ruiru Plant used to be a wood burning power generation plant which was upgraded to a diesel plant probably during the 1950's. Wanji had a large hydro electric generator and diesel and turbine generation was used at Nairobi South.


The Temperature is definitely going up

Image:Wikistress3D 2 v3.jpg

Technical Links:


Test 1

This is a test to show text in Nav form:

  • Make mercy thy cotton, contentment thy thread, continence its knot, truth its twist.
  • That would make a janeu for the soul; if thou have it, O Brahman, then put it on me.
  • It will not break, or become soiled, or be burned, or lost.
  • Blest the man, O Nanak, who goeth with such a thread on his neck.
  • Thou purchasest a janeu for four damris, and seated in a square puttest it on;
  • Thou whisperest instruction that the Brahman is the guru of the Hindus--
  • Man dieth, the janeu falleth, and the soul departeth without it.

This should show in normal font size

Test 2

Dispaying quotations using the template called Quote:

Command format

{{Quote | The quotation of your choice }}

Line breaks within the quotation should be carried out be entering <br> rather then the Enter key

Make mercy thy cotton, contentment thy thread, continence its knot, truth its twist.
That would make a janeu for the soul; if thou have it, O Brahman, then put it on me.
It will not break, or become soiled, or be burned, or lost.Blest the man,
O Nanak, who goeth with such a thread on his neck.
Thou purchasest a janeu for four damris, and seated in a square puttest it on;
Thou whisperest instruction that the Brahman is the guru of the Hindus--
Man dieth, the janeu falleth, and the soul departeth without it.

This is a seperate independent line

Make mercy thy cotton, contentment thy thread, continence its knot, truth its twist.
That would make a janeu for the soul; if thou have it, O Brahman, then put it on me.
It will not break, or become soiled, or be burned, or lost.Blest the man