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Historic Gurdwaras: Trees pay the price for modernisation
kalpvriksha_tree_20110620.jpg And now marble is king. Sikhism is the world’s youngest religion and perhaps the only one in which trees have contributed to spiritual evolution. More than 50 Sikh shrines across the country, and some in Pakistan, are named after trees. These are trees under which the Sikh gurus sheltered, rested or met their followers during their travels...... → read more
Year with the Beard/My Hairs teach me
harsimranpreet33-thumb_0.jpg It was about this time last year that I was impelled to share a very difficult, uniquely Sikh challenge for me. I am a woman with a very fuzzy chin. It’s not an exaggeration at all to say I have a beard. Since my hair is dark brown, I can’t even pretend people don’t notice it,..... → read more
Bishop Desmond Tutu: "God Is Not A Christian!"
Tutu-thmnl.jpg It is often said that God created man in his own image and man has returned the compliment, saddling God with his own narrow prejudices and exclusivity, foibles and temperamental quirks. God remains God, whether God has worshippers or not. We do scant justice and honor to our God if we want, for instance, to deny that..... → read more
Rahuldeep Singh: A New Kind of Teacher
rahuldeep-thmnl.jpg Rahuldeep Singh Gill tends to stand out at California Lutheran University, U.S.A., where he is the only religion professor who is not Christian. Rahuldeep is a Sikh-American, practising a religion which originated in the Punjab region of the South Asian subcontinent, where he was born...... → read more
The last moment before death...
Shaheed Singhs taking soul-sml.jpg
Then Bhai Surjit Singh did keertan and veechar which was its usual high standard. In this veechar Bhai Sahib mentioned about the grandmother of Bhenji Rajinder Kaur passing away only days before. At her final moment, Bibi ji was doing simran, then she did some loud Jaikaare, then she said "Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Ji Kee Fateh!!" before breathing her last...... → read more