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Guru Granth Sahib: A Model For Interfaith Understanding
Interfaith2.jpeg Though all the religions of the world teach love, preach sympathy for others and encourage Man to exercise utmost self-restraint and have most profoundly been a source of inspiration for the highest good of mankind, the world today is torn by conflicts, enmity and religious hatred. ..... → read more
Whatever you eat; Eat with consciousness!
Food.jpg Most of us don't know how our food is produced, where it comes from, what nutritional value it carries and what kind of impact its production has on mother earth. Gurbani tells us: "Eat only that which is pleasing to the Lord, and as Gurmukh, receive His blessings."..... → read more
Overcoming Doubt and Disconnection
PrithiHardKaurSqr.jpg For the past couple of weeks my sadhana has been growing steadily stronger and I feel very blessed to experience a growing feeling of contentment and spiritual connection. This feeling has also branched into my everyday experience..... → read more
In memory of Baba Budhaji..The Great Gursikh!
bhudhaji1.jpg Baba Buddha was the great Sikh saint who had the pleasure of serving under the first six Gurus. A venerated primal figure of early Sikhism. Born on 6 October 1506 at the village of Katthu Nangal, 18 km northeast of Amritsar. He was originally named Bura..... → read more