User talk:Hari singh

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This page was last Archived on 28 July 2006. Previous contents moved to:

This is Hari Singh's Talk Page

 Sir,Your Mutia begs pardon ( not from lord TRUTH) for having gone in 
hibernation, it is some story, I for sure will be sharing with you. Have no
words for thanks to fatherly figure Hari Singh ji, my FFG , who spotted
me when I was shying & trying to sneak in back home. Sir, permit me to promise SikhiWiki ( honorable Hari Singh ji ) that I
won't do (if only Lord TRUTH stays on my right side) it again.

-Mutia 22 Aug 06

Sir WJKWJF! It was wonderful speaking to you over the phone & I have no words to thank you for all your help & kindness. I'm now eagerly looking forward to the pleasure of meeting you in person. I repeat again, my sincere apologies for lagging behind in my duty to Lord Truth & to the Portal that is serving Truth & Humanity - SikhiWiki. I hope to get back in form soon as my father, who was out of town briefly, will be back soon. I shall certainly let you know about the postal rates & the 'Vaaran' in a day or two. Thank you once again for all your kindness sir. with your encouragement, my dream of visiting London does'nt seem so distant anymore. May I request you to wish your daughter & son 'Hello' on my behalf. Regards Mutia 25 Aug 06

Guru Savare HARI SINGH JI, WJKKWJKF Flags Link from Gurdwara Map site is not opening the target site at all. Please provide necessary administative support to get problem resolved.--Guglani 06:43, 27 September 2006 (CDT)

Hearty Thanks

Sir, WaKaFa!

  • No words with this barking (TRUTH god's & Sikhiwiki's (Hari Singhji's own) Mutia to THANK Sikhiwiki for the association & and honor I had been relishing (bungling !). I had been hard pressed against time all this while since my MA got over.
  • Mutia for sure stand accountable to TRUTH-god for my inefficiency & follies. Could not climb beyond 3rd Step out of Life's 38. TRUTH god seems to have approved my Amrit Vela's work today.
  • 4th step is, I think, the trigger, toughest & a 'Go/No Go' STANDARD of being a Sikh or otherwise.
  • Sir, Let the going get tough. TRUTH god as KHALSA, we Sikhs belong to, was, is & will beyond eternity, remain with us . Let it become known to the universe, in case any doubts be lingering in any pockets whatsoever.
  • Punjabi to English Hukamnamas Sir this Mutia on a wavering learning curve, at best is a Typo in English and can read, but not write Punjabi as yet. I draw my boastings of translating DARPAN to English from my Grandfather, Grandmother & Father. All being fans of nothing but Gurbani & that of DARPAN in particular. Mutia being a 'useless Englisised child' not withstanding, my love for GURMAT is TRUTH god's gift of family environment.
  • About three monts back Father got posted to some godforsaken & isolated place close to Hydrabaad . Mutia in the past was a lost case on net to begin with, now I am a lost case in the real world.

TRUTH god Willing...

  • ....I should be able to take stock of 'Sikhiwiki points' pending with me including Hukamnaamas. Will be back with you on this page tomorrow Amrit Vela .

Gur Fateh !--[User:Mutia] 12 Oct 06 Sir is it OK -Mutia

Hi Amita, I have moved this section to talk page, I hope that is OK. Is the daily Hukamnama to your satisfaction or are there any pending issues here? --Hari Singh 09:00, 19 October 2006 (CDT)