Mahant Kirpal Das

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Mahant Kirpal Das, was a leader of the Udasis. The Udasis were originally a branch of the Sikh faith started by Guru Nanak's son, Baba Sri Chand. They were celebate and wandered about the forests in the same way thata Hindu Sadhus do, even today, half naked. They wore only a loin cloth and had no fighting skills. A large group of them had traveled to Nathan with the Guru and his Sikhs. They often aided in introducing people to the Sikh faith. They had been living at the Guru's Darbar and eating at the Guru ka Langar at Paonta. When the Guru heard of the attack the Pahari Rajas were planning he ordered even the Udasis to arm themselves and participate in the Battle of Bhangani. Shamelessly they all disappeared in the night, they had no intention of fighting.

Only their leader Mahant Kirpal Das stayed to aid the Guru. Mounted on a horse and armed with only a small kirpan and a huge club the Mahant clothed only in his loin cloth presented quite a sight. Guru Gobind Singh tried to disuade him from fighting, but finally yeiled when he realized how determined he was. As the battle began he was the cause of much amusement, though he was totally inexperienced in the art of war he challenged Hayat Khan the Pathan chief, one of the Pathans who had recently deserted Guru Gobind Singh ji's forces. Flourishing his heavy club he charged at Hayat Khan, who dealt him a heavy blow with his sword. Kirpal Das received it on his club. Then rising in his stirrups and shouting loudly, "Sat Sri Akal", he struck Haiyat Khan's head with his club so mightily that his skull was cleaved.

The scene is described by Guru Gobind Singh in the, Bachitra Natak in an eloquent simile. He wrote:

"Mahant Kirpal, raging, lifted his club and struck the fierce Hayat Khan on his head, upon which his brains spilt forth as butter flowed from the Gopi's pitcher broken by Damodara."

Mahant Kirpal Das was later the keeper of the Udasi dera at village Hehar in Ludhiana district. Where he was visited by Guru Gobind Singh after the battle of Chamkaur. He, as a mark of respect, helped carry the palanquin on which the Guru was carried to the next village of Rajoana.


1. Bachitra Natak

2. Santokh Singh, Bhai, Sri Cur Pratdp Suraj Granth. Amritsar, 1927-33

3. MacaulifTe, Max Arthur, The Sikh Religion. Oxford, 1909

4. Harbans Singh, Guru Gobind Singh. Chandigarh, 1966

5. Padairi, Piara Singh and Giani Garja Singh, cds., Guru kidn Srt/t/»on.Patiala 1986

6. Kuir Singh, Gurbilds Pdtshdhi 10. Patiala, 1968