No one religion teaches the only path to God

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Sikhs believe that salvation can be attained by anyone who meditates upon the name of God. God is not bound by boundaries, for He is omnipotent. Sikhs believe that Sikhism is the best and simplest, most straightforward way of realizing the present of God, to be One with Him and attain salvation.

Sikhs do not believe that Jesus is the ONLY way to attain salvation. Before Jesus was born, people who worshipped God attained salvation. Dhruv is one of many worshippers who attained salvation before Jesus was born. If Jesus is the only way to attain salvation that how the people who existed before Jesus attained salvation? After Jesus was born, many people who did not even know that Jesus existed attained salvation in India. In thirteenth and fourteenth century, when people in India did not even know that Europe existed, the worshipper of God attained salvation in India. (Note: Europeans did not discover India until fifteenth century). Among those worshippers that attained salvation are Naamdev, Kabir, Sain, Dhana, Ravidas and many more whose hymns are in the Holy Scripture, Guru Granth Sahib. In their hymns they have written about their longing to meet God, how they worshipped to meet God and finally attained salvation. Furthermore, the way they took to meet God is the same way Jesus showed to Christians, which is to worship and meditate on God, be sinless, renounce greed, lust, pride, anger and arrogance.

In John 14:5-6 Bible says, “Thomas said to Him, ‘Lord, we do not know where you are going, how do we know the way?’ Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through me.’” By this Jesus means, Jesus is the WAY, no one comes to God but through the way showed by Jesus. God did not send Jesus to this world as a person but as a way to reach Him. Now the way Jesus showed Christians is the same way Sikh Gurus showed to the Sikhs. Gurus are to Sikhs what Jesus is to Christians. Our paths are the same but different teachers. It is like we both are taking physics class, one in Arkansas and the other in California. We are covering the same material but are being taught by different teachers. Jesus showed the way to meet God, this way has been described very clearly and thoroughly in Guru Granth Sahib. The way has been described in so much detail that after reading it, one knows what he has to do in order to meet God. So, Sikhs suggest everyone to read the Holy Scripture, Guru Granth Sahib. The scripture does NOT emphasizes on converting to a particular religion but shows the way to meet God and attain salvation insignificant of the religion one belongs to. Anyone who reads Guru Granth Sahib becomes enlightened and begins to understand God and His creations.