Saram Khand

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Saram Khand' is the sphere of spiritual endeavour. Here man strives against the last remnants of his ego which still afflict him in spite of his experiencing strong emotions of humility in the Gian Khand. If the sense of awe and wonder is not accompanied or followed by discipline, the experience might become a mere emotion, something remembered with nostalgia but having no permanent worth. To become worthy of receiving the divine grace, one must chisel one’s surati (consciousness) which is a unifying thread for all human faculties. This chiselling of intellect and wisdom would erase even the subtlest layers of ego from one’s mind. Beyond there is another world composed of material yet more suksham. This world is also known as Rupa. Guru Nanak Dev Ji writes, “Saram Khand ki bani rupe”. Here only those people reach who have learnt to do without any motivating desire.

Sharam Khand is essential for Bhagats before they can enter Karam Khand and Sach Khand. Sharam Khand is like prep Khand for entering Karam Khand and Sach Khand. This Khand is extremely beautiful. Everything there is just too beautiful to describe. At the lower end are those who cultivated affection and at the higher level those who possess besides affection, devotion also. Here every thought takes up a form as it is expressed. It is a world where pure knowledge, wisdom, intellect and understanding belong.

Tithai ghariai surat mat man buddh,
Tithai ghairai sur sidha ki suddh.

It is here that the skill of men of supernatural powers is fashioned.

Five Khands

ಭಭ Dharam Khand ಭಭ Gian Khand ಭಭ Saram Khand ಭಭ Karam Khand ಭಭ Sach Khand ಭಭ